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  1. thanks for answering back , I am not using a router just connecting a cross over cable to both end of the laptops, I tried a mangos repack and they both connect perfectly fine , but any trinity repack is giving my friend realm looping and but I can log in
  2. Hello guys I am new to using trinity core , I was wondering if anybody could assist me with this issue . So I downloaded tree's bot wars repack V3 and me and my friend decided to play over lan using Ethernet cable I didn't know if it was possible but I had some efficient results. I used the command prompt ipconfig which it autoconfigs the ip addres when connected to another pc . So my step was to manually input the ip address into the properties of the protocol , for the first pc and the other pc submask was automatically populated once I edited those settings, anyway that is just the typical setup , so I lauched the server and set the appropriate ip address in the reamlist table to my Ip address for the first pc because I am the host then on my friend's computer I changed his reamlist wtf to my pc computer. I can log in and connect perfectly fine on the other hand, he can log in and wow prompts him to choose server he clicks ok and it states logging in server and goes right back to telling him to choose a server , I have worked a week on this tearing forums and google apart trying all types of solutions but none were efficient any ideas
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