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  1. Thank you for taking time to translate and post a Screenshot, I had localAdress on, I changed it as show in the exemple, but the issue is still not fixed, other players still get stucked at connecting in to game server
  2. It is set to my No-Ip address I'm not sure about my host file though, here is what I did. localhost 192.168.X.X MyNoIPDNS the ip i found on whatsmyip.com MyNoIPDNS
  3. I'm sorry since I'm french i'm a bit confused, because I've been reading some stuff about opening ports and forwarding them... and i'm not sure I got it right. Anyways, this is what I did http://www.noelshack.com/2016-45-1478909016-router.png For ports 8085 and 3724, I linked them to the IpV4 i found in CMD typing ipconfig (in this case, because I read somewhere it was better... i'm quite not sure about this.
  4. Hello, so I am running a trinitycore private server on 3.3.5, this is the rev if it's any help for anyone. TrinityCore rev. 90ff3ce8c825 2016-06-16 17:53:14 +0200 (3.3.5 branch) (Win64, Release) So i opened up a DNS on no-ip, edited my host file, the realmlist table in auth, opened my ports, changed my own realmlist... Authserver & worldserver config both have bindip to Whenever i try to log on, it works just fine for me. However, anyone else gets stuck on "logging in to game server" when they try to join, they see the realm list but that is it, they can never go past this point.
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