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Darknation242 last won the day on February 4 2018

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  1. Got it. It caused a 6 month roll back on the characters database but it's fixed. I had to manually run the updates.Before anyone asks of course I was backing up the databases, but the most recent ones were corrupted by this issue and I just happened to have an older local copy I could work with.
  2. I just flushed all the databases and let TrinityCore import everything. Same results. >> Applying update "2018_01_29_01_world_335.sql" 'E0C6362'... mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. >> Applying update "2018_01_30_00_world.sql" '18F1231'... mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. >> Applying update "2018_01_30_01_world_335.sql" 'FE57CBD'... mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. >> Applied 804 queries. Containing 1 new and 2303 archived updates. In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 31, sql: "SELECT casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience FROM character_aura WHERE guid = ?" Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list' In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 166, sql: "INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list' In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 425, sql: "INSERT INTO pet_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list' Could not prepare statements of the Character database, see log for details. sysadmin@mate-shiva:~/server$
  3. Awesome, thanks for all the help Aokromes and CDawg. The binaries are located under /home/server the same place I've been running them from for the past two years. As for the configs they are located in the default location /usr/local/etc which as far as I know has been the default config directory for quite some time. Nothing has been moved or relocated. It's the same folder for the binaries and configs I've been using with success for years. There is one thing I neglected to mention, and I'm sure this will cause follow-up questions but because I'm running all this under an ESXi Hypervisor environment the database is actually located on a seperate install of Ubuntu 16.04.3. All systems are up to date within reason to accomadate TrinityCore.
  4. Tried re compiling, same output as before. This is an exsisting installation of TC3. It only started doing this recently.
  5. Must be from when I deleted the repo. How embarrassing. This is the output now that I unfucked my mess. Oh and it's not my first time install. I've been running TrinityCore for about 3 years now, this is just the first time I've gotten stuck and needed assistance. ______ __ /\__ _\ __ __/\ \__ \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\ ___ /\_\ \, _\ __ __ \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \ \/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \ C O R E /\___/ http://TrinityCore.org \/__/ Using configuration file /usr/local/etc/worldserver.conf. Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016) Using Boost version: 1.63.0 Updating Auth database... >> The file '2016_10_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_11_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_11_09_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_10_25_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_11_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_10_28_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_12_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! Cleanup is disabled! There were 7 dirty files applied to your database, but they are now missing in your source directory! >> Auth database is up-to-date! Containing 14 new and 26 archived updates. Updating Character database... >> The file '2016_10_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_11_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_11_09_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_10_25_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_11_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_10_28_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_12_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! Cleanup is disabled! There were 7 dirty files applied to your database, but they are now missing in your source directory! >> Character database is up-to-date! Containing 14 new and 26 archived updates. Updating World database... >> Applying update "2018_01_29_00_world.sql" 'E9E0AE0'... mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. >> Applying update "2018_01_29_01_world_335.sql" 'E0C6362'... mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. >> Applied 2 queries. Containing 801 new and 2303 archived updates. In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 31, sql: "SELECT casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience FROM character_aura WHERE guid = ?" Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list' In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 166, sql: "INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list' In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 425, sql: "INSERT INTO pet_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list' Could not prepare statements of the Character database, see log for details. sysadmin@mate-shiva:~/server$
  6. Just gave it a try, no luck boss. Wiped the repository clean and did a re checkout of just the 3.3.5 repository. It's not playing nice with others.
  7. I HATE HATE HATE asking for help. But I'm at a loss. I've wiped the world database numerous times. Tried over and over again to run the auto updates by the book according to TrinityCore standards. But I'm at a loss here. Googling/DuckDuckGo'ing yields nothing. **EDIT: Forgot system info** Core-i7 4790 ESXi Hypervisor 6.5 VM: Ubuntu 16.04.3 Kernel: 4.4.0-112-generic #135-Ubuntu (I know LTS, I'll address that later) gcc: version 6.3.0 20170519 (Ubuntu/Linaro 6.3.0-18ubuntu2~16.04) sysadmin@mate-shiva:~/server$ ./worldserver TrinityCore rev. 4130647bf6bb+ 2018-01-27 16:20:41 +0100 (3.3.5 branch) (Unix, RelWithDebInfo, Static) (worldserver-daemon) <Ctrl-C> to stop. ______ __ /\__ _\ __ __/\ \__ \/_/\ \/ _ __ /\_\ ___ /\_\ \, _\ __ __ \ \ \/\`'__\/\ \ /' _ `\/\ \ \ \/ /\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \ \/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \ C O R E /\___/ http://TrinityCore.org \/__/ Using configuration file /usr/local/etc/worldserver.conf. Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016) Using Boost version: 1.63.0 Updating Auth database... >> The file '2016_10_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_11_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_11_09_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_10_25_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_11_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_10_28_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_12_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! Cleanup is disabled! There were 7 dirty files applied to your database, but they are now missing in your source directory! >> Auth database is up-to-date! Containing 14 new and 26 archived updates. Updating Character database... >> The file '2016_10_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_11_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_11_09_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_10_25_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_11_17_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_10_28_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! >> The file '2016_12_04_00_auth.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now! Cleanup is disabled! There were 7 dirty files applied to your database, but they are now missing in your source directory! >> Character database is up-to-date! Containing 14 new and 26 archived updates. Updating World database... >> World database is up-to-date! Containing 801 new and 2303 archived updates. In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 31, sql: "SELECT casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience FROM character_aura WHERE guid = ?" Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list' In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 166, sql: "INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list' In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 425, sql: "INSERT INTO pet_aura (guid, casterGuid, spell, effectMask, recalculateMask, stackCount, amount0, amount1, amount2, base_amount0, base_amount1, base_amount2, maxDuration, remainTime, remainCharges, critChance, applyResilience) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" Unknown column 'critChance' in 'field list' Could not prepare statements of the Character database, see log for details. sysadmin@mate-shiva:~/server$
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