Ouch, that's a handful. I think you should stick to trying one version, i.e. in this case just try installing + running master? I don't think mixing both 3.3.5 and master on the same machine will work nicely heh
In the installation steps, did you do this part prior to running worldserver to import the TDB sql?
Installing The Trinity Databases
Import master branch or 3.3.5a branch with your favorite mysql client with root account before starting core.
Trinity needs 3 databases to run at 3.3.5 branch and 4 for master - Auth, Characters, World and hotfixes (master only):
auth - holds account data - usernames, passwords, GM access, realm information, etc.
characters - holds character data - created characters, inventory, bank items, auction house, tickets, etc.
world - holds game-experience content such as NPCs, quests, objects, etc
hotfixes (master only) - holds fixes not already added to the core or other official databases.
I think you can drop all the required tables (auth, characters, world and hotfixes) and restart the import process to redo it.
Hope it helps!