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  1. @Nay Yeah--I've wanted to, though the issue is I can only find trial versions of VS, and to really do what I'd want I'd rather not have to worry about only having a month or so to do it with, unless there's some free version Microsoft is offering that I'm unaware of? I know I've looked at that, I could've sworn it was a trial? Oh hell if I know. Sorry for bothering.
  2. Having a problem during compile for latest 3.3.5a branch. Thankfully its only a few errors in a few different places and I might be able to figure it out later? But I truthfully have no idea what I'm doing. What I have for things: Code::Blocks 16.01 (In place of Visual Studio) MariaDB 10.1.19 - 64 Bit Cmake 3.7.1 - 64 Bit Boost 1.60.0 OpenSSL 1.0.1u - 64 Bit GNU GCC-5.3.0 Any chance anybody knows about this?
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