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About winwoolf

  • Birthday 12/23/1982

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  1. Thanks for the help, which as always is not. I figured it out myself. One gets the feeling that Trinity is the most non-communicative community. But the Mangos forums have always had a lot of people and everyone has tried to help other users. It’s a pity that everything ended so badly with mangos.
  2. I use sources 3.3.5, passing quests for dk I was faced with the fact that the quest The Light of Dawn does not work correctly. When the battle ends Darion Mograine is absent and there is no further continuation. Tell me how to make the quest can be completed automatically? I tried in the quest_template table to change the values in the questtype field to 0 and in flags to 65536 because it is written here - https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130261/quest+template. But the quest can’t be passed. You select a reward and click finish, nothing happens.
  3. Lenny4 If you just need to change the record, it's done in worldserver.conf, In the section "Motd" I'm also interested in where you can change the information about the server. I want to add information about my server there. This should be possible, you need to make the pack before compilation. At least 5 years ago it worked. But since then much has changed and I can not find where to edit it.I need to do this compulsorily before compilation, that in the future I will not make manual edits, after installing each patch or update Prompt please in what file it to make. I really need to put there the name of my server, the list of worlds and the address on the network. I will not delete your information from there, because I understand that this is your copyright, and for server players it is useful to know that the server is based on a reliable kernel.
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