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Everything posted by drlnz

  1. Hey guys, Just trying to set up a server and no idea where I've gone wrong. Pretty sure I followed the guide correctly, but there are a heap of errors when starting worldserver. It's all post creating the db's and applying updates after I create the tables with the query. This is on Windows 10. So far I have: Pulled the latest Trinitycore and generated fine in cmake. Compiled in VS2017 without errors. Downloaded the TDB_full_735.00_2018_02_19.7z database files and I have the client which I've extracted everything fine from. Created tables with sql query. Changed ip's etc in worldserver/bnet configs Run worldserver.exe I get the following errors attached in the file. I can log in fine and run around, start some quests. But if I use a FP it crashes the client. Anyone know where I've gone messed up? DBErrors - Copy.7z
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