Hi i'm Trying to Run a Trinity Core (master) for Windows 10 x64 bit (install everything x64 and MySQL 5.64), i set up everything as the Trinity Core Tutorial asked me to do,
(this is the link to tutorial https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130077/Installation+Guide) .
I'm almost done But there is a problem ,when i'm trying to run the Worldserver.exe file after 10 sec i get this error :
* also the bnetserver.exe works just fine.
* i extracted all the related folder (dbc & maps & vmaps ) from the blizzard PTR (public test realm) Client, Could this be the problem?!
i tried to do the hole process: "Pull" the trinity Core with "GitExt clone" and Remake the "build" folder too ,also i Compiled the Server with Both "Release" and "RelWithDebInfo" method But none of them works and still got the same Error Can someone please help me out.