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Posts posted by Lucian_by

  1. On 5/7/2020 at 11:44 AM, Lucian_by said:

    Also try The Cataclysm Preservation Project or (C)mangos

    The only supported & developed version is TCPP. But I can't patch the original wow & wow64 exe & dll files by TCPP patcher.  It's too bad that this fork uses the bnetserver authentication system and not the old way (authserver).

    so sad,

  2. try to set cmake prefixes manually, as me:

    cmake ../ \
     -DMYSQL_EXECUTABLE="/usr/bin/mysql" \
     -DMYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR="/usr/include/mariadb" \
     -DMYSQL_LIBRARY="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmariadbclient.so" \
     -DSCRIPTS=static \
     -DTOOLS=1 \
    &> $LOG_FILE \
    && make -j $CPU
    &>> $LOG_FILE

    It also seems that you have lost ZLIB1g-DEV



  3. Branch!STRING:0|Active!DEC:1|Build Key!HEX:16|CDN Key!HEX:16|Install Key!HEX:16|IM Size!DEC:4|CDN Path!STRING:0|CDN Hosts!STRING:0|CDN Servers!STRING:0|Tags!STRING:0|Armadillo!STRING:0|Last Activated!STRING:0|Version!STRING:0|BGDL Key!HEX:16|Build Complete!DEC:1
    eu|1|3b0517b51edbe0b96f6ac5ea7eaaed38|64e6e44eb15ad72b16d58546a6bf38e5|3efa9ac54fa0cf65dd2dccadfa8bc443||tpr/wow|blzddist1-a.akamaihd.net level3.blizzard.com edgecast.blizzard.com|http://blzddist1-a.akamaihd.net http://level3.blizzard.com https://blzddist1-a.akamaihd.net/?fallback%3d1 http://edgecast.blizzard.com|Windows x86_32 x86_64 EU? deDE text?:Windows x86_32 x86_64 EU? enUS speech?:Windows x86_32 x86_64 EU? enUS text?:Windows x86_32 x86_64 EU? esES text?:Windows x86_32 x86_64 EU? esMX text?:Windows x86_32 x86_64 EU? frFR text?:Windows x86_32 x86_64 EU? itIT text?:Windows x86_32 x86_64 EU? koKR text?:Windows x86_32 x86_64 EU? ptBR text?:Windows x86_32 x86_64 EU? ruRU text?:Windows x86_32 x86_64 EU? zhCN text?:Windows x86_32 x86_64 EU? zhTW text?||2018-07-04T17:46:25Z||e8f3d86ab313c4bdf5cf4f5daea32477|1

    .build.info --> http://rgho.st/7RDJBjdYr

    from latest release date client 735


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