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Everything posted by djorn01

  1. Ok .. soo after trying crap loads of configurations i decided to try changing my routers range from its default ip range 192.168.1X to 192.168.0.X under the assumption that trinity has a problem with a 192.168.1.X range and now it works o.O XD So even with the correct settings if you have a router with 192.168.1.X it won't work (exact same settings except changing the ip range from 192.168.1.x => 192.168.0.x)... i don't know why but if anyone else has a similar problem change your routers range to 192.168.0.x
  2. i have tried both. my routers ip range is 192.168.1.X ... however if i set the realmlist to which is my computers static ip on the network i ca't connect to the server on the pc i run it from . However if i change my adapters ip to 192.168.0.x i can conect to the server :S. I also have a static ip from my IPS which i added to a second table in the realmlist database. I couldn't get it working either. I also tried putting my ip in the dmz just in case the port forwarding didn't work.. which didn't make any difference either. I have done a heap of googling and can't figure out whats wrong. If i want to run it from local i should be able to just use and if i want to run it online with the port forwarding and my external static ip (whatismyip.org) should be fine o.O
  3. I have spent lots of time googling how to fix this issue but nothing works. running the server from the same pc i connect to it even, the only way i can connect is to change the realmlist.wtf to "192.168.0.X" ... my router ip is and if i use an ip address that's in the "192.168.1.X" i can't connect to the server. All ports are forwarded through router and firewall... though to connect to my server that's on my own pc it's shouldn't matter. I can't find any way to make it work .. other then setting the ip in realmlist.wtf to "192.168.0". The auth and world configs are standard and i just change the ip in realmlist.wtf. I tried this http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?130614-Trinity-Public-LAN-local-server-all-in-one too but no luck. If anyone can help with whats wrong i would greatly appreciate it.
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