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About Civic

  • Birthday 11/28/1990

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    Czech Republic

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  1. If you mean like configs for authserver and worldserver then I used the new ones that come with revision. The only thing I changed in them was connection into DB just to be sure that I'm not creating unnecessary mistakes via configs. Or do you mean any other configs ?
  2. Good day, my problem has the very same symptoms as these two persons described "case 1" and "case 2" but I can assure you that I'm not using any repack, I downloaded your master_branch using GIT. We have empty consoles, I'm sure that config is correctly set (I did it many times in my life already), servers are not creating even logs. I have checked your FAQ and did the compilation with help of your wiki. My server computer used to run TC releases regularly about 1,5 years ago when I was compiling new and new versions like every week. From that time I had all the needed programs so I realized I will have to update. I updated all the programs with help of your wiki via method full uninstal of old versions, restart and clean instal of the new ones (because I know what old rogue libraries can be capable of). With CMake we are getting message that we can find something in cmake error log but when I look into it, there is like 0 warnings 0 errors, everything just succes. We have tried to compile with visual 2008, 2010 and even 2013 in 32 and 64bits, release and debug, always with the same result. We run on Win7 x64, mysql, apache and everything up-to-date because we are providing other server/hosting services that require these things always up-to-date. I expect it to be some stupid mistake that we missed something quite obvious, but after several days of trying, I'm trying it here that maybe you can tell me what can cause such symptoms. Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide where to look or what have we missed.
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