- What is your O.S. version? Windows 7 Build 7601 x64 Professional.
- What is your core version? (There is no "last version", on somedays we can do more than 1 commit, so post your correct core version) commit dad2fc78e2bf9cdf2d5e
- Where did you grab it? Git Ext > pulled latest revision
- Did you compiled yourself? Yes, compiled Release.
- Do you have all dependency's correctly installed? Yes, all are installed
- What are their versions? (Same as the core, each linux flavour (by example) has his owns versions. So even if you are on windows, tell us the versions) They should be the latest version.
- Did you Follow our wiki? Yes.
- Did you correctly updated the databases? Yes.
- What is your MySQL Server version? (There is no "latest version") x86 5.5
- What is your MySQL Client Version? (There is no "latest version", and i mean the library's) Have no idea, but I guess latest, not relevant
- Is your MySQL correctly configured and running? Yes.
- What is your MySQL client? (SQLyog? MySQL command line? etc.. NOTE: please, don't use navicat) Mysql Workbench 5.2
- Did you opened the necessary ports? Yes
- Do you have any custom patches in the core? Which ones? Did you try without them? Clean core.
- What is your wow client version? Did you extracted the necessary files from it? 3.3.5, yes.
All right, so I did my usual Git Ext > open repo> pull latest revision. Applied database updates then went to compile the latest core. ALL_BUILD Clean > Build > Build solution ( I'm using VC2010 ). I let it do it's thing but in the end, I have the usual warnings and 2 errors, with the worldserver failing at compiling. The two errors I get are:
Tried rebuilding, nothing, ========== Rebuild All: 17 succeeded, 2 failed, 1 skipped ==========
It seems that it's looking for Debugcmds.cpp in that folder yet I can't find it. Wasn't that file deprecated? Why is it asking me for it? What's the matter with it?