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Hi, i want implement lfg list but i want implement GroupFinderActivity.db2, GroupFinderActivityGrp.db2 and GroupFinderCategory.db2. After add structure, meta, loadinfo, the core start but i ve this error : thanks for help me : struct GroupFinderActivityEntry { uint32 ID; LocalizedString* FullName; LocalizedString* ShortName; uint8 GroupFinderCategoryID; uint8 OrderIndex; uint16 GroupFinderActivityGrpID; uint8 MinLevel; uint8 MaxLevelSuggestion; uint32 Flags; uint16 MinGearLevelSuggestion; uint16 MapID; uint8 DifficultyID; uint16 AreaID; uint8 MaxPlayers; uint8 DisplayType; }; struct GroupFinderActivityMeta { static DB2Meta const* Instance() { static DB2MetaField const fields[14] = { { FT_STRING, 1, true }, { FT_STRING, 1, true }, { FT_BYTE, 1, false }, { FT_BYTE, 1, true }, { FT_SHORT, 1, false }, { FT_BYTE, 1, false }, { FT_BYTE, 1, false }, { FT_INT, 1, false }, { FT_SHORT, 1, false }, { FT_SHORT, 1, false }, { FT_BYTE, 1, false }, { FT_SHORT, 1, false }, { FT_BYTE, 1, false }, { FT_BYTE, 1, false }, }; static DB2Meta instance(974813, -1, 14, 14, 0xB0090189, fields, -1); return &instance; } }; struct GroupFinderActivityLoadInfo { static DB2LoadInfo const* Instance() { static DB2FieldMeta const fields[] = { { false, FT_INT, "ID" }, { false, FT_STRING, "FullName" }, { false, FT_STRING, "ShortName" }, { false, FT_BYTE, "GroupFinderCategoryID" }, { true, FT_BYTE, "OrderIndex" }, { false, FT_SHORT, "GroupFinderActivityGrpID" }, { false, FT_BYTE, "MinLevel" }, { false, FT_BYTE, "MaxLevelSuggestion" }, { false, FT_INT, "Flags" }, { false, FT_SHORT, "MinGearLevelSuggestion" }, { false, FT_SHORT, "MapID" }, { false, FT_BYTE, "DifficultyID" }, { false, FT_SHORT, "AreaID" }, { false, FT_BYTE, "MaxPlayers" }, { false, FT_BYTE, "DisplayType" }, }; static DB2LoadInfo const loadInfo(&fields[0], std::extent<decltype(fields)>::value, GroupFinderActivityMeta::Instance(), HOTFIX_SEL_GROUP_FINDER_ACTIVITY); return &loadInfo; } }; PreparedStatementBase::setBool ASSERTION FAILED: index < statement_data.size()