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Version Mismatch


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So my client version is more advanced than my server (log below).

I thought I had been fairly good about re-pulling code and recompiling but that does not advanced the version number that I need to connect the client.  How do I verify the version number of my trinitycore server, and if it is not high enough, how do I upgrade it sufficiently.  I ran the git pull and recompile after I saw the message in the supported version thread that matched my current client version 20886


1/16 10:14:34.817  Login program=WoW platform=Wn64 locale=enUS
1/16 10:14:34.845  Component WoW.Wn64.20886
1/16 10:14:34.845  Component WoW.base.20726
1/16 10:14:35.196  Battle.net is Component Bnet.Wn64.37165
1/16 10:14:35.209  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK 
1/16 10:14:35.223  Connecting to x.x.x.x:1119
1/16 10:14:35.303  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: LOGIN_BADVERSION 
1/16 10:14:35.303  Disconnected from x.x.x.x
1/16 10:14:35.307  Client initiated Disconnect from x.x.x.x
1/16 10:14:35.337  LOGIN: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: LOGIN_BADVERSION 
1/16 10:14:35.339  Login program=WoW platform=Wn64 locale=enUS
1/16 10:14:35.339  Component WoW.Wn64.20886
1/16 10:14:35.339  Component WoW.base.20726
1/16 10:14:35.339  Battle.net is Component Bnet.Wn64.37165

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Ran another pull last night.

From the DB:

core_version Core revision dumped at startup. core_revision db_version Version of world DB. cache_id
Edit Edit Edit Inline Edit Copy Copy Delete Delete TrinityCore rev. d2d41c119b99 2016-01-13 21:43:01 ... d2d41c119b99 TDB 6.03 3


I followed the directions on the keeping the code up to date section of the core install for linux.

- git pull



-make install

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I'm Running TrinityCore & I'm getting some errors in worldserver.exe when trying to login to wow:

WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (bad realm)
and IN-Game it says:

This Log On Server is Offline Visit (Battle.net Website Here)

This Issue has Occurred since the release of Commit d2d41c1

My DB is completely Up-to-Date and I have VS 2015 Community Update 1 & CMake 3.4.1 both 64-bit and
Both have No Issues

Edit: My Realmlist Table GameBuild is 20,726 but in BattleNet Components 20,886 is Seen in it's normal sections

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This seemed to resolve itself naturally after another pull and compile over the weekend.  Timing issues with the announcements of supported client versions.

Error went away and was replaced with an error saying that the username was not found.  Created a second user with bnetaccount create and logged into the character screen.

Of course I have a new problem now when creating a new character it disconnects from the server and crashes the worldserver process in linux, which I will post in a separate thread.

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*This Issue is Also mentioned on GitHub Isuues*


I'm Running TrinityCore for 6.x & I'm getting some errors in worldserver.exe when trying to login into the newest build in wow(

WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (bad realm)
and IN-Game it says:

This Log On Server is Offline Visit (Battle.net Website Here)

This Issue has Occurred since the release of Commit d2d41c1

My DB is completely Up-to-Date and I have VS 2015 Community Update 1 & CMake 3.4.1
Both have No Issues

Edit: My Realmlist Table GameBuild is 20,726 but in BattleNet Components 20,886 is Seen in it's normal sections(Win,Win64,MCB)

Edit 2: If I edit 3 Lines in battlenet_Components from 20886 to 20779 It will Work on 20779 again but Not 20886



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