*This Issue is Also mentioned on GitHub Isuues*
I'm Running TrinityCore for 6.x & I'm getting some errors in worldserver.exe when trying to login into the newest build in wow(
WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (bad realm)
and IN-Game it says:
This Log On Server is Offline Visit (Battle.net Website Here)
This Issue has Occurred since the release of Commit d2d41c1
My DB is completely Up-to-Date and I have VS 2015 Community Update 1 & CMake 3.4.1
Both have No Issues
Edit: My Realmlist Table GameBuild is 20,726 but in BattleNet Components 20,886 is Seen in it's normal sections(Win,Win64,MCB)
Edit 2: If I edit 3 Lines in battlenet_Components from 20886 to 20779 It will Work on 20779 again but Not 20886