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  1. *This Issue is Also mentioned on GitHub Isuues* Hi, I'm Running TrinityCore for 6.x & I'm getting some errors in worldserver.exe when trying to login into the newest build in wow( WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (bad realm) and IN-Game it says: This Log On Server is Offline Visit (Battle.net Website Here) This Issue has Occurred since the release of Commit d2d41c1 My DB is completely Up-to-Date and I have VS 2015 Community Update 1 & CMake 3.4.1 Both have No Issues Edit: My Realmlist Table GameBuild is 20,726 but in BattleNet Components 20,886 is Seen in it's normal sections(Win,Win64,MCB) Edit 2: If I edit 3 Lines in battlenet_Components from 20886 to 20779 It will Work on 20779 again but Not 20886
  2. Here are some Screenshots of this: http://imgur.com/a/ic9ml PS it's in an album, that's why it's one link
  3. @Saben Well Since I shouldn't do what you said, Your'e edit. What do i do then?
  4. Hi, I'm Running TrinityCore & I'm getting some errors in worldserver.exe when trying to login to wow: WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (bad realm) and IN-Game it says: This Log On Server is Offline Visit (Battle.net Website Here) This Issue has Occurred since the release of Commit d2d41c1 My DB is completely Up-to-Date and I have VS 2015 Community Update 1 & CMake 3.4.1 both 64-bit and Both have No Issues Edit: My Realmlist Table GameBuild is 20,726 but in BattleNet Components 20,886 is Seen in it's normal sections
  5. I Now have a New Problem as I'd fixed both those errors now It's also in 6.2.3. I've installed all recent 6.2.3 Commits. Cmake & VS 2013 Express Update 5 No Errors. I went into my Patched Client & All my Realms are Red and say Incompatible. Any Suggestions???
  6. Can Someone please Try and Help Me...
  7. Hello Staff, I've just Pulled All Recent Commit's from 4 days Ago and I Got an Error Saying "AreaBoundary Multiple Default Contstructs" I had Fixed that Error with A Pull Request from @treeston which is 2083b4b1a4e4dd4fa6e670deb24b1380f1b07468 That Fixed it but introduced 2 New Errors: Error 19 error LNK1181: cannot open input file '..\scripts\Release\scripts.lib' E:\Trinity\Build\Build7\src\server\worldserver\LINK worldserver and Error 17 error C2582: 'operator =' function is unavailable in 'BossBoundaryEntry' (E:\Trinity\Source_3.3.5_Work\src\server\scripts\Northrend\IcecrownCitadel\instance_icecrown_citadel.cpp) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\utility 53 1 scripts These Errors are in Visual Studio 2013 Express on a Windows 10 x64 Pro. On CMake I had Gotten no Errors & I have Tried tis on a Fresh Source & My Normal One. Both Replicated the Same Error & Wouldn't let me Compile. If there is Anyone who can Help me, I'd Greatly Appreciate it Thanks, TeamCDA
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