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Maps extraction issue


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Hey, thanks for the help on my previous issue, it's solved now.

Right now i'm facing a problem with extracting the maps. This is a screenshot of how my WoW folder looks right now


I've already done repair from battle.net and .build.info is there as well. I downloaded the latest version of the game from Blizzard's launcher and using the extractors located at trinity-master. This is a screenshot of the error as well



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I have come across this before, in a previous emu, check wtf/config and check what that are set at for example :

SET portal "US"
SET textLocale "enUS"
SET audioLocale "enUS"

and the base size of WOW retail Legion around 50 to 51 gig for enUS, also just remember if you do it now and update to 7.2 patch the map extractors may or may not work till the core has been updated, someone else may have more info on that subject.

This may or may not help, but i found if the download is not complete , and streams to finish while in game that also may cause a problem.

I did notice in playing on a free account , then upgrade to sub's then upgraded to legion , there was a another 2 gig approx update 7.1.5, might have been more but i set it before going to sleep,

Hope it helps and there maybe others that could also help.


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Hey, I've already solved the problem, all works good with extracting the maps. Now I face a problem connecting. I used Firestorm's 7.1.5 launcher, removed read only from folder and changed the realmlist from the database. Each time I use WoW or Wow-64, the realmlist of the config changes back to theirs. I tried putting wow to the connection patcher but I'm getting this http://prntscr.com/eqph8x

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