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How to update TDB 335.64 to TDB 335.22101 database?


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I have a server that runs on TDB 335.64, I have updated the engine to the current version of TDB 335.22101.
How do I update the database correctly from TDB version 335.64 to TDB 335.22101 so that there are no problems?
Updates were not installed automatically, although in the settings of the world server : Updates.Enable databases = 7


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13 hours ago, Aokromes said:

if you don't have any custom thing i sugest you to drop world database, if you have custom things i recomend you to pull to tdb  335.19031, then  335.19041.... there are to much commits betweeen your db and head.

Please tell me how to pull up the database  335.19031, then  335.19041 correctly ?

I tried clean upload TDB_full_world_335.22101_2022_10_17.sql database but I get errors:

>> The file '2018_02_28_02_world_335.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2018_03_03_02_world_335.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2021_04_02_02_world_335.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2018_08_02_00_world_335.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2018_03_03_03_world_335.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2018_03_03_04_world_335.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
>> The file '2018_03_03_05_world_335.sql' was applied to the database, but is missing in your update directory now!
Cleanup is disabled! There were  3104 dirty files applied to your database, but they are now missing in your source directory!
>> Applied 1 query. Containing 0 new and 6287 archived updates.
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 20, sql: "UPDATE creature SET spawndist = ?, MovementType = ? WHERE guid = ?"
Unknown column 'spawndist' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 62, sql: "INSERT INTO creature (guid, id , map, spawnMask, phaseMask, modelid, equipment_id, position_x, position_y, position_z, orientation, spawntimesecs, spawndist, currentwaypoint, curhealth, curmana, MovementType, npcflag, unit_flags, dynamicflags) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
Unknown column 'spawndist' in 'field list'
Could not prepare statements of the World database, see log for details.


Edited by Gib_adm
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