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#trinity irc logs

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unfortunately there is no official way to get logs from rizon, these logs are from a BNC client always attached to the server which sees joins and parts. if anyone wishes to write some sed magic to remove said (hah) joins and parts I would look into making use of it :)

Edit* while I was looking into that, heres some stats : #Trinity @ Rizon stats by KPsN

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unfortunately there is no official way to get logs from rizon, these logs are from a BNC client always attached to the server which sees joins and parts. if anyone wishes to write some sed magic to remove said (hah) joins and parts I would look into making use of it :)

In linux?

for file in logs/*.log; do sed '*** Joins' $file

for file in logs/*.log; do sed '*** Quits' $file

for file in logs/*.log; do sed '*** TRiNiTY' $file

for file in logs/*.log; do sed 'is now known' $file

for file in logs/*.log; do sed '*** LimitServ' $file

for file in logs/*.log; do sed '*** irc.rizon.io' $file

for file in logs/*.log; do sed '*** irc.rizon.io' $file

I think it covers all unwanted entry's.

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