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Posts posted by CDawg

  1. I just cloned TC from github on my wife's POS Win7 machine, loaded mysql, installed the entire TDB, imported all the updates and compiled a fresh copy of TC from the God awful machine.

    TrinityCore rev. 2012-06-25 12:15:42 -0400 (1f0ecf2c3e7e+) (Win32, Release)

    World DB: TDB 335.11.47

    I then launched worldserver and it works fine! It's slow as shit, but it works...

    @lukaserdar you are doing something wrong or missed something in the wiki.

  2. yes, change the conf files to your database settings. You can also create another username (if you are using root) and give less permissions, through the gui that you are using. Don't worry about changing root unless you are doing this locally and not planning to have people connect to your server.

    Auth and Characters databases should be in TDB_Full* sql file. I just opened mine up and they were in there.

    There is a '/base' directory where you will find auth_database.sql and characters_database.sql.

    Auth as 9 tables and characters should have 78. If you are unsure that the tables are importing correctly there should be a 'drop_mysql.sql' you can run that to start over.

  3. Thanks a lot for the help guys. really appreciate it. haha Winblows will be the end of me i swear

    ok it seems to have installed properly this time. baby steps. thanks again for the help

    no prob, if you still have mysql connection issues. (I did awhile back on my old XP machine) you can go into my.ini file, and add a 'bind-address' , restart mysql, and it clears right up.

    mysql and windows can get buggy sometimes.

  4. Read the error:

    ERROR: DatabasePool world NOT opened. There were errors opening the MySQL connections. Check your SQLDriverLogFile for specific errors. 2012-05-12 22:25:29

    ERROR: Cannot connect to world database;3306;root;xxx;world

    Obviously worldserver can not open the mysql connections. Is your DB even up and running?

  5. 1. Manually kill the process' running. During re-install it should detect the process running anyways, but if not, goto administrative tools->services->mysql (i hate windows sometimes) also you can try this command to do a quick shutdown: <mysql installed directory>mysqladmin --user=<username> --password=<password> shutdown

    2. locate the ibdata1 file and blow it away, you can delete the entire mysql directory. It should be located in the /data dir where you installed mysql.

    3. before installing mysql again, just open your windows registry and blow anything that says "mysql" away.

    4. reinstall mysql. very important use the same root with the password you installed from last time. (Don't use root however, might want to use your own name) If you forgot or try to reinstall with a different password, try installing mysql in a different directory. It's buggy on windows. (did i mention that i hate windows?)

    Mysql needs the "default" databases that are installed once you have mysql launched. It hold the user information as well as the structure of how mysql queries along with permissions.

    Once you have it installed, you mention you use HedeiSQL. You can right click the top name (i.e. root [which you should use your own name]), then select create->database.

    Create a 'auth', 'characters' and 'world' database, then click the refresh button or hit F5. (collation can be general_latin_ci)

    Select the database and you are ready for import.

    Also be sure to carefully make the changes in the my.ini file to address your mysql needs.

  6. Your conf files look fine.

    go to http://www.whatsmyip.org/

    Then place 'those' IPs in your router.

    It should look like.

    XX.XX.XX.XX: 8085 -> TCP

    XX.XX.XX.XX: 3724 -> TCP

    Then open up your realmlist in the DB and put that same IP in 'address'

    Give your friends 'that' same external IP.

    Just make sure that the Windows firewall resolves 8085 as open as well as 3724, when you run authserver and worldserver the firewall should prompt you to allow access, That goes for all Windows versions.

    Welcome to WAN

    Turn your windows firewall back on!!

    It's just too easy hacking into computers these days.

  7. Need more info, If your friend gets to the "authenticating window" then it sounds like he was able to get to the authserver. (not 100% on that)

    However, this is an issue with your router and/or your firewall preventing players from going though the port(s).

    Check that you have the external IP resolved in your router, your external IP in the realmlist DB is fine. Also check the ports in your firewall, which should only be 8085, and 3724 and nothing else unless you are hosting a website and/or other junk like mail.

    BTW anyone else reading this post should have thier firewall enabled. I read that a ton of people disable it. (not sure why)

    I have had over 400 people connect with my firewall on just fine.

  8. Hi, for some reason, Worldserver and Authserver close after opening? I am VERY noobish when it comes to computer language/ ect. So please help!

    Heres whats in Auth

    2012-03-04 11:45:16 TrinityCore rev. 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived) (Win64, Release) (authserver)

    2012-03-04 11:45:16 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

    2012-03-04 11:45:16 Using configuration file authserver.conf.

    2012-03-04 11:45:16 ERROR: Could not connect to MySQL database at Access denied for user 'trinity'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    2012-03-04 11:45:16 ERROR: Could not connect to MySQL database at Access denied for user 'trinity'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    2012-03-04 11:45:16 ERROR: Cannot connect to database

    Looks like you have several things not installed or not properly configured.

    1. Your Git extensions is not installed properly. (no revision)

    2. Your MySQL is not installed properly or you missed a step. (hence the error message)

  9. Dont know if this will make it a bit easier

    Paste this inside a text file:

    @echo off
    vmap4extractor.exe -l -d Data
    md vmaps
    vmap4assembler.exe Buildings vmaps
    Rename the new text file to makevmaps4_simple.bat Paste this inside another new text file
    @echo off
    echo Wrong one dumbie!!!

    Rename the text file to make_vmaps3_simple.bat

  10. Hello,

    I had the same problem a while back, was another error with a different column.

    However, 'Deathstate' doesnt exist in the creature table, nor any other table that im aware of. I have the same version loaded TDB_full_335.11.42_2011_08_27.

    So im afraid you may have to do what I did, delete SQL from the machine and reload it in other directory.

    For some reason it caches certain tables and this is an issue that some get and MySQL doesn't want to claim.

    Another method I did, was installed mysql on another machine (with ibdata), then copied the entire DB back to my dev machine after importing all the necassary updates.

    Also be sure to make changes or modifications to your my.ini file.

    Was a Bitch, but that did the trick.

    Good Luck

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