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Posts posted by Naios

  1. 27 minutes ago, Spec said:

    Continuation from IRC

    So after moving to VS2017 ive had issues compiling a fresh 3.3.5 build (#7cc074f)

    Compile output: https://pastebin.com/fpdt2pJe


    I have tried Cmake 3.8.3 - 3.9.6 - 3.10.1 in both x86 and x64, i have tried overwritting the the Zmfactor and i have tried reinstalling every requirement including VS2017.

    Probably this is related to 697b4dbef20b5c , I will take a look into this .

  2. You are probably using an unsupported fork of TC, the current database contains > 1000+ applied world updates (and most of it are already included in the world db). Yours contains 15 as the screenshot shows.

    Also I can't imagine how the current codebases could lead to the issues you are describing.

    Are you using seperate databases for world/auth/hotfix and char?

  3. You don't need to downgrade any MSVC version...

    Make sure you created the boost environment var which needs to point to your boost root dir. Also make sure you use the CMake x64 generator and the matching x64 dev openssl libraries.

    Seems like you mixed x32 and x64.

  4. You need to provide a custom hash function for the `coordinate` type since the compiler doesn't know how you want to hash this custom type:

    struct Hasher {

      std::size_t operator() (coordinate const& right) const {
        return ... ;

    std::unordered_set<coordinate, Hasher> ... 


    For hashing the two ints you could use std::hash and combine it using boost::hash::combine

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