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Everything posted by Jrod

  1. I had that problem to with HeidiSQL. I tried using SQLYog Community Edition instead, and that work without any problems.
  2. Its solved! Thanks a milion CDawg. The databse quarry was the one that solved it. Now everything is working, and i can connect from outside my lan. Again, thank you very much.
  3. Just to be sure here: This: UPDATE `realmlist` SET `address`='<putyourdnsnamehere>' WHERE `id`=1; This is a quary you want me to run in my Auth Database right?
  4. Hi and thankyou for getting back to me on this. Well i have done the ping to mydnsname and it returns an ip, and looks alright, no lost data. The ports in the router are open and checked open with canyouseeme, and everything checked out. But still the same problem, with the logging into gameserver, and then realm list again, over and over again. Edit: Actually now, when I try to run the authserver, it just flashes and then shuts down again. When i run it in a command prompt i see no errors.
  5. Hi all. First of all, im a beginner with a large 'B' in all this, so pleace have some patience with me. I have setup a trinity server following the how to: win, guide. (Greate guide btw, realy good) I have my server up and running, and i can connect to it from the same PC as i have the server on, no problem. So i guess that this meens that its working right? The DB is working and all that. But when i try to connect to the server from a difrent PC, then i get the "Realm Loop" i think you guys call it. The thing where i get presentet with the realm list, and then when i select the one realm, i get "Logging into gameserver" for a few seconds, and then i get the realm list again. And what i have seen from searching this forum and some on google, its a known problem, but also a problem with alot of solved cases, but i cant seem to find the solution for me. I guess you want some info on what i have done. I will try to inform you the best way i can. Im runnig a Windows 7 machine. 64 bit. TrinityCore rev. 2012-11-18 13:50:14 +0100 (e60d26f36b21) Database ver. TDB 335.49 MySql Server 5.5 I have followed the stuff that Athena postet in another topic: Setup a dynamic DNS on your favourite provider. - Done Go in your realm database, realm table, and set the address to the DNS you have setup on point 3.1. - Think i have done this. In the auth DB under realmlist and then under adress i have written the dns adress. Is that right? Go in your hosts file and set " yourdnsname.dynamicdns.tld". (if your server is local. If server is in your lan, instead of put the Lan IP of the server) - Done Go in your realmlist.wtf file and put the dns you have setup earlier (yourdnsname.dynamicdns.tld). - Done. For the people outside the network: In your router: Point the ports 8085 and 3724 to the server ip address (internal lan IP). - Done Your clients in their realmlist.wtf put the dns you have setup (yourdnsname.dynamicdns.tld). - Done And they can connect and play. - Unfortunately no Hope someone can help me solve this problem. If you need more information from me, please let me know, and please remember, im a total noob, so... be gentle
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