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  1. Hello, I made a WoW 3.3.5a Server lately and everything works just fine now, my friends can connect externally. However, when I try to connect myself through the localhost I get the Realm Loop that my friends had before, while connecting through my external IP doesnt work at all. I have been searching all over google and trinitycore.org, is there any known fix to this? Thanks in Advance
  2. The error has been fixed after combining the SQL updates and applying them. Thank you for your support, when I have more questions I will return. Until then, goodbye.
  3. I have been checking and as far as I can see I applied the auth, character and world .sql databases just where they belong. On a side note, I have found the sql/updates folder. Could you specify wich of these I need to apply where? I am confused by the massive amount of sql files.
  4. Hello, I have been following the How-to:Win guide in order to make myself a WoW 3.3.5a server. Now I have come to the point where I am supposed to make an Account within the worldserver.exe console. When I launch the worldserver.exe, It launches normally, loads maps, items and so forth and then tells me the following: [1053] Unknown column 'quest_daily_rate' in 'field list' Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders. This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. To this I have also get a crash report I have tried locating the sql/updates folder, though I have failed to find it. Thanks in Advance
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