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Posts posted by Magnuss

  1. But that's not the idea of compiling executables with MS-VS. They should be distributable in release mode to everybody. That's why there the MS redistributable packages for.


    Is that a speciality of TC ?




    Ok, I found it, you need to install redistributable x86 not x64 even your Win is 64bit. I thought x64 redist installation will install both ;-)

  2. I have recompiled TC today with Visual Studio Express 2013. Everything works fine on my local PC.


    But if I copy the executables to the public server I can't start because of missing msvcp120.dll library.


    Normally you have to install the redistributable packages to fix this issue. I have done it from here:



    But it doesn't helped. A global file search shows me that msvcp120.dll is in C:windowssystem32 but not in C:WindowsSysWOW64.


    I'm using Windows 7 64bit and the compilation of TC is 32bit in release mode.


    Any ideas ?








  3. If you make all the updates correct, the table creature_transport must still exist.


    If this is really the only problem you have and you may lost the table by accident you can try the following:


    Make a new separate full install TDB 52 and all updates. Than you can copy this table into your existing db.



    And update your core as well.


    2nd. edit:

    And please 1 posting is enough ;)


  4. On Tom Clancy's page you will not find any information about Mozart. Both are artists. But as different as compiling vs. database is.

    Setting up TrinityCore is the topic and the pertinent information is "On Windows", "On Linux", "On Mac" which should be on the same page. Within that information you would have links to installing the software used such as Git and CMake which would be standalone pages.

    I'm not against that. I have just split compiling, database and configuration. If you have enough in common that you can make 1 compiling page for all 3 OS, why not.

    Why do you assume readers have reading and comprehension problems? I'm talking about ease of use, not contextual elements.

    Me too. (And looking to some beginner questions it's not seldom that people have reading problems. That's why I have seen people asking a YouTube video for installing a MMO core ;) After that the admin asked him if he need a video of somebody is reading loud the wiki.)
    But in my opinion it's easier if you can always see on the main page the sections. The main page is a kind of TOC. Another advantage is if you want to re-read something guess about database, just open the main page and click to the database link.

    Technically TrinityCore isn't a business. Also I didn't say "regular internet problems". You know as well as I do that not everyone's internet is the same. Hell, mine sometimes drops when it rains.

    The whole life is a business. I got the impression on your previous post that defining the content should be depending of the users internet connection. If a lot of users have problems with internet while raining, may they should wait till the sun is coming again :D

    Also, according to Wikipedia's statistics they have over 19 million users. Their format must not be that bad.

    I worked a lot in Wikipedia and with MediaWiki and haven't told anything against Wikipedia. But Wikipedia is a lexicographical information system. While WikiBook is for books, f.ex like guides. I think that fits better to Trinity Installation Guide.

  5. This sounds more like a personal issue. Do you honestly think Wikipedia would be so successful if having a table of contents followed by all the content was confusing for people to read?


    Everything what I'm doing or talking about is based on my personal experience. What else could it be ?

    Wikipedia is the best example to split pages. You also can't read 'all european countries' in one page or everything about 'modern computing' in one page. Vice versa they split every topic into a different page. The table of content is to separate and index different articles for a common topic.

    For example: on the compiling page you may have a TOC like this: getting the source, getting necessary software, preparing, compiling and so on.


    You can't tell people "Trinity is a learning project" but then tell them "but we're not going to teach you, figure it out yourself".


    Who tells such things ? I think you misinterpret my statements 100% vice versa.

    A well structured wiki is the best thing how people can learn stuff.


    It shouldn't matter if the material they learn by is considered "easy", what matters is they learn enough that they don't have to spend days in Help & Support.


    Another votum for well structured wikis.


    It is easier to maintain

    • If the process changes for one OS, chances are it will change for others. Having them all together will allow people to easily notice and fix discrepancies
    • If links change you don't have to chase them down across 4 different pages


    But that's not a statement NOT to split into these 3 pages I suggested (compiling, database, configuration). If something changes in the compiling process I think it's seldom that it's interfering the database stuff ode the configuring part. Links that changes often could be included as a macro (a text modul).


    It reduces reader stress

    • Readers don't have to worry wether they missed a page
    • What if the reader's internet goes down and they can't open another page
      • Reader could potentially be stuck with a cloned repo but not able to proceed because they only have half the instructions


    Readers have stress if the project is not working because they missed an important line in a too big context. And how can they miss a page if you write at the end of the page: After you have done the compiling successful please check the next page for installing the databases /  After you have installed the databases please do the last step and configure your sever with the instructions on THIS page ?

    Readers with regular Internet problems may are in the wrong business.


    It looks better

    • Yes, this is my personal opinion


    It doesn't look better. Yes, this is my personal opinion ;)


    People studying on the university also don't take a 8000 pages book at the beginning of the semester because they are afraid 'to miss' something. I think TC users are clever enough to recognize that TC can be installed in only 3 steps: compiling, database, configuration.


    And something else: Wikipedia is may not exactly the right example to compare with TC wiki. A better comparison is WikiBook. And the main page of TC wiki is the index.

  6. Imho the best thing can be
    1 compile page for core for each OS
    one common page for database thing, using mysql cli
    another common page for extracting dbc/maps/vmaps/mmaps
    another common page for configuration
    a common page for updating core and db.



    That's more or less what I have started in the past with my several edits.


    The only thing I may would try is to split the 3.x and the 4.x installation guide into 2 separate boxes on the main page.


    Installation guide 3.x

    - Compiling

    -- win

    -- linux

    -- os

    - database stuff

    - configuration


    Installation guide 4.x

    - Compiling

    -- win

    - database stuff

    - configuration


    Repeating text parts can be done as a template page and can be included in the appropriate page after.


    Having the guide on a single page makes it much easier for users to follow,


    I disagree with that for the following reason:


    Users who want to come into Trinity should learn these 3 steps: Compiling the binaries, Installing databases, Configuring the server

    Users that follows only stupid line by line on a enormous big text may (or may not) be successful at the end but hasn't learned anything.


    When I have come to Trinity wiki for first time I had always to scroll up and down in the page because I lost the focus.


    And another hint:

    Remove that "The wiki is undergoing major changes. Please alert us (in the comment section of each page) about pages that need to be fixed." box.

    You will gain 20mm valuable space on the screen. Users will not be irritated if this wiki is may outdated. All wikis I know are always undergoing major changes :P . That's the nature of a wiki. And if the wiki wouldn't be closed for public editing the community could do this as well.


    And a last hint:

    Are you aware that you have on one page up to 4 (!) menu structures ?

    - The sidebar

    - The breadcrumb menu on the top  (that's cool)

    - The xx Child pages in the lower part (complete senseless IMHO)

    - The page with links itself (of course)


    That's what I call redundant information. May it's possible to remove and/or cleanup this.

  7. Every wiki has an easy to use revert function which normally every user can correct changes may he dislike or are not accurate. And that's why I have removed the RSS feeds in a single step and have commented it.

    What this wiki lacks is a discussion page like wikimedia has. The blog like commenting function is not a really good replacement for that because it stays forever visible on the wiki page itselfs.


    I have done in a lot of wikis thousands of edits (and also in other wow emulator wikis btw) and follow some rules of wikipedia or some marketing rules.

    - Less words / Same information (prevent unnecessary text or graphical gimmiks)

    - Use predefined formats instead using self defined

    - Prevent redundant information

    - Structure the wiki well

    - Define your content (a wiki has statical information, a forum is dynamic)


    Dynamic content like RSS feeds shouldn't be IMHO in a wiki. A link to this content is enough. A beginner to TC shouldn't be overwhelmed with to much information he may not need at this point.

    That was my reason to delete it. And also for the fact that you should subscribe RSS feeds in your browser and not in the wiki. If you disagree with this points please feel free to revert this change.


    Why I never discuss edits I made in a lot wikis over the years ? Simply. I do not have time for that and mostly the discussion doesn't end in a solution. Like this post here starting by Gregarious: He has some good ideas. He should have just done it better than asking here. At the end he didn't got a simple answer like Yes, do it or no that's wrong. So lost of time.


    Of course it's the wiki owners decision if he want to manage the wiki alone or to take the risk that one of these very rare contributors may make a false but easy to revert change.


    I just hope the responsible persons have time and will update further the wiki regularly because there are so a lot of things that could be improved (by the community). Good luck.

  8. 1. I already have seen the problem with page names. But I couldn't find a rename function. And by manual rename I was afraid of broken links. Anyway editing with this wiki software is much more difficult comparing wikimedia. Wikimedia is using a simple tagged syntax and here you have this interactive sh.t.


    2. There are a lot of things that could be improved. Normally a Wiki is user contributed. However it seems that the TC wiki editing is blocked now (at least for me).


    The idea on the main page was that you read from left to right and top to down. So you start in the installation guide step by step. The only thing I would change is to separate 3.x and 4.x content in different boxes.

  9. Well, the wiki seems to be sometimes outdated or not regularly updated.

    I also don't know how to edit the sidebar. There are some invalid links. And other strange things like redundant information.


    But regarding to your question:

    I don't think that it's a good idea to present the whole installation process in 1 big wall of text. My experiences with people are that most of them unfortunately don't like reading. Especially not long text.


    That's why I have splited the guide in 3 parts on the main page:

    - Compilation (for different OS)

    - Installing DB stuff

    - Configuration


    These are 3 very different steps. A user should be aware that he needs different knowledge:

    - Using a compiler on his platform

    - Installing a mySQL server and databases

    - Doing some Trinity specific configuration


    If may one of these 3 steps fails a user can re-read this section easier and don't get lost in a very big page. Additionally it prevents redundant text that results in easier maintaining.


    IMHO, I think it's now more clean and more clear.


    However you may add some links to grant more continuation. 

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