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  1. Hope to get some help with my login issues... I will give all the details of my installation to see if someone can help me. ////CLIENT//// 7.1.22950 ///COMMIT/// https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/fcbb4397ea5c803b5b46bda770606ae7a79e565f /// COMPILATION STATUS/// Successfully compiled (No error.. bnetserver and worldserver.exe runs fine as intended) /// ACCOUNT/// Account created with .bnetaacount create [email protected] pass /// PATCHING THE CLIENT/// Source compiled with TOOLS and Wow.exe Successfully patched from inside of game directory.. it also generate a tc_bundle.txt file and a Wow_Patched.exe(the one i use to run my client) ///bnetserver.conf/// Defaults values are used LoginREST.Port = 8081 LoginREST.ExternalAddress= LoginREST.LocalAddress= ///Config.WTF/// SET portal "" SET realmlist "" //realmlist table Auth DB/// address and local addres both set to (Running client and server from my own pc) /// CLIENT LOGS// BattleNet.log 11/11 09:42:48.922 [IBN_Login] Starting up | hasFrontInterface=false | hasBackInterface=false 11/11 09:43:06.926 [GlueLogin] Starting login | launcherPortal=nullopt | loginPortal= 11/11 09:43:06.926 [GlueLogin] Resetting 11/11 09:43:06.926 [IBN_Login] Initializing 11/11 09:43:06.926 [IBN_Login] Attempting logon | host= | port=1119 11/11 09:43:06.926 [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response. 11/11 09:43:07.030 [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response. 11/11 09:43:07.039 [GlueLogin] Waiting for server response. 11/11 09:43:07.161 [GlueLogin] Fatal error while logging in | result=( | code=ERROR_HTTP_FAILED (14003) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=JSON error: ERROR_HTTP_FAILED (14003) token: 1) 11/11 09:43:07.216 [IBN_Login] Front disconnecting | connectionId=1 11/11 09:43:07.216 [GlueLogin] Disconnecting from authentication server. 11/11 09:43:07.216 [IBN_Login] Front disconnected | connectionId=1 | result=( | code=ERROR_OK (0) | localizedMessage= | debugMessage=) 11/11 09:43:07.216 [GlueLogin] Disconnected from authentication server. 11/11 09:43:07.216 [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=true 11/11 09:43:10.594 [IBN_Login] Destroying | isInitialized=false 11/11 09:43:12.064 [IBN_Login] Shutting down That all the information i think is usefull to solve my problem. When i try to login i get insta desconect with error message... You have been disconnected. (BLZ51914003) Thanks in advance any help will be apreciated.
  2. Hi all. I faithfully followed the steps to install trinity core version 4.3.4 from http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/How-To_Win+4.3.4 and I have also read http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/1518-trouble-with-your-trinity-install-readme-1st-faqs/ I will describe what i did to see if some1 can lend me a hand with my problem. I Have all of this installed and running fine... World of Warcraft Client 4.3.4 (Cata) GitExtensions Visual C++ MySQL Server Community Edition HeidiSQL (or whatever MySQL UI editor you prefer) .NET Framework 3.5 or above CMake OpenSSL In this page https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore_4.3.4_DB_Alpha i saw the latest Sync is Sync with TrinityCore/ff3524f So i did a Revision Matching after clone the source and my cmake bottom pane looks like this.. TrinityCore revision : ff3524fabc52 2013-07-16 23:51:11 +0100 (HEAD branch) So everything is fine My revision of core match the ALPHA DB (So far so good) i downloaded Alpha DB... Then i downloaded the massive World database from http://www.trinitycore.org/f/files/file/9-tdb-full-434/ I created 3 databases auth characters world Imported auth- TrinitySourcesqlbaseauth_database.sql characters- TrinitySourcesqlbasecharacters_database.sql For world database i imported first the big database (the one from http://www.trinitycore.org/f/files/file/9-tdb-full-434/ ) Then i applied existing updates from ALPHA DB generate world_updates.sql with merge_updates_windows.bat and applied in world database. Following steps at http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/How-To_Win+4.3.4 i had to load the updates in the characters folder into the characters DB from TrinitySourcesqlupdates folder so i did it. And finally there is a big Warning about AGAIN, DO NOT load the updates in the srcsqlupdatesworld folder!!! so i didnt apply updates in world folder. I configured properly my both .conf files and start: authserver.exe (Load fine) worldserver.exe (fail) There is a fragment of my server.log >> Loaded 14987 quests definitions in 749 ms Checking Quest Disables >> Checked 5123 quest disables in 1 ms Loading Quest POI >> Loaded 22136 quest POI definitions in 196 ms Loading Quests Relations... Loading GO Start Quest Data... [1146] Table 'worldtrinity.gameobject_questrelation' doesn't exist Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders. I hope some1 here can tell me where i fail and what i did wrong... Thanks in advance
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