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Everything posted by runicwow

  1. ​I kinda figured the best idea would be to compile a new core, Although the scripts that I have working currently would then be useless and stop working. as soon as I compile a new TC and add my scripts, they apparently (according to Rochet2) will need re-making, and sadly I cannot afford to pay somebody to create a new script. I've checked google and they are all out-dated scripts regarding the ones i need (i80 Arena), My Solution right now would either be Add RBAC or fix pinfo. The issue with pinfo is that is only shows Map, Area, Zone and Phase, and isn't showing the required details (account, GUID, IP, etc) which is of course required. As my server is released i'd rather try and avoid compiling with a new source and having fail scripts to only result in losing my playerbase.
  2. I know how to do rbac, I'm asking if it can be added into a core that it wasn't included in. and of course if it isnt possible to add it, I'm asking if anybody knows a way to fix the pinfo command issue.
  3. Simple fix " Table 'auth.battlenet_accounts' doesn't exist- Create the table matching the Trinity Wiki which shows the columns in tables, or open your auth file with notepad++ and check if it is meant to create the table. Cannot connect to world database;3306;root;heuheuh' --' help;cworldLike somebody said, use the correct details for your database, Seen as its not connecting to the "world database" double check you have the world database name correctly in the worldserver.conf or double check your details are correct.
  4. So, I currently have a 3.3.5 core which doesn't have RBAC included. (Wierd, I know right?), Anyway, my pinfo command isn't working, i even tried editing the cs_misc.cpp file to get pinfo to work correctly like i had to do with gm vis. Anyway, I think the solution would be adding RBAC into this core, But does anybody know how i can do that and get it to work while also keeping all of my stuff how it is? or just simply able to fix my pinfo issue. https://gyazo.com/d3903eb3df67d6dfc3a49ed1b74ed705 - Here you will see what pinfo shows and doesnt show.
  5. Hello, I'm wondering if there is a program to allow me to view the spell.db file, After looking at "how to fix spells" guides It mentions I have to enter my spell.db file, But without an editor or a file that allows me to open this file, Its kind of difficult. If anyone could post a link to a program that will allow me to do so, I'd be grateful. Thank you.
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