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Great Name No Game

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Everything posted by Great Name No Game

  1. Awesome thanks! Still wrangling with this beast called SQL though.
  2. OK- HERE'S a legitimate question.... On first install, I do *NOT* need to focus on the updates folder, but rather I should use ONLY the TDB_Full_World one for the 3.3.5? (Just verifying)
  3. I will give it a shot. Prior to my starting this project on my own, my friend, before he got REALLY busy was able to host both 3.3.5 AND 6.x on his Unix box (It may be Linux - can't recall for sure). I just thought by keeping it all in different folders, it would work smoothly and focus on one at a time. I'm giving it another go. I think I will try to get 3.3.5 running before I install master in another directory. Just as was suggested. I"ll double check on your suggestion and get back to you. Thanks again!
  4. This is what the master side gives me. Here is the Master folder. Any further advice is appreciated. Thanks! - JH
  5. Baby steps! I tried running WorldServer.exe and it seemed to work ok for the most part. I hit return every time it prompted me for new DB entries, etc. But when it was all done, I noticed I completely forgot to put the "TDB Full World" SQL scripts in. I dropped them in there and re-ran the WorldServer.exe again, and it now quit on me unexpectedly. Which DB files do I erase/purge to start this over? (THis is for Master). 3.3.5 wont stay up at all. This is what my folder contains. (3.3.5) What am I missing?
  6. Yeah, thats progress allright. The only thing IM missing at this time is the authserver stuffs. See screen cap.
  7. I could have sworn I followed it step by step. VS showed no errors after compiling. After trying again, here's a screen shot. Followed by the next step in VS..... (Well, it appears to be building now.) Didnt take this long the first time through. I'll post after thats done. Maybe it's gonna take this time through. More to come... maybe. ***EDIT*** Yeah, that was it. I compiled but didn't build. It's still building but I'm guessing that was the issue. Thanks for your input! - JH
  8. Thanks @mad_catmk2. You're right. I half read that list below the preceding list. *DUH moment*; however I checked the Build/Bin/Release and its empty. Any thoughts on what I could have done wrong? The other two files, do I just move them from the original directory, or do I copy them and leave the original where they are? (Im opting to do the latter.) Thanks in advance! - JH
  9. Please help a noob. I've been a server user for a while now, and have really desired to start my own TC server to fully appreciate the hard work that goes into these projects and updates. My server admin is quite swamped with other projects and rarely has the time to help out if I have any questions or requests for commit updates (Our current commit for 3.3.5 is from 2014.....) So after following the directions provided (I am running Windows 10) on the Confluence site, met requirements, downloaded all software, compiled sources just fine.....but here's where I'm stuck. (Don't laugh if its simple, I already feel like an idiot. LOL) On the Windows core installation page, ( https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/Windows+Core+Installation ) it states: " You will need the following files in order for the core to function properly: libeay32.dll libmySQL.dll ssleay32.dll worldserver.conf.dist worldserver.exe authserver.conf.dist authserver.exe " However it doesn't state where to locate these files from. I've performed a search on my PC and have not found anything. Can someone point me in the right direction please? I want to start up 3.3.5, and eventually Master afterward. But one step at a time.... Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can provide. - J H
  10. Situation resolved. Wiped it all and started from scratch. Last resort, but it worked.
  11. Will try again in a bit. Discussing this update with my server admin. Thanks @Aokromes and @azeroc!
  12. Installed newer version of connection_patcher and got...... Its progress albeit a little bit. Where can I pick up this file and where do I drop it? After clicking "OK" I got.... Thanks!
  13. Full reinstall was done prior to attempting troubleshooting. In other words, that was the first thing I did.
  14. So what do you recommend I try to fix? Thanks!
  15. @Aokromes - BTW, I really like the ShareX tool. One share and I'm hooked! Thanks again.
  16. I am. The computer I am using to reply to this forum is the one that I use for all my gaming needs. I acquired a copy of the tc_bundle.txt file and stuck it in the TC WoW 6.x directory. On launch, I got.... So something still isnt quite right. I am working with my server admin to see if we cant get the patcher fixed. This is where we currently stand. I have a feeling that if we get the patcher issue resolved, everything else will fall into place. Maybe I'm wrong, I dunno. Any further thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated. Many thanks! - JH
  17. @Aokromes @Shauren Current retail version loaded is Same error persists. Cannot find pattern while trying to patch. Recommendations? I am looking to make sure my patcher is current.
  18. Thank you sir! Will locate and advise/update as necessary. - JH
  19. @Aokromes. For my benefit, what's the current live build version of wow? I'll check that out soonest. Thanks also for the screen capture tip. Anything to make it easier for all involved.
  20. Just in case it is difficult to read. The error states: "Creating patched binary... Win32 client... patching portal EX unable to find pattern An error occurred. Press ENTER to continue..." This error comes up for both the 32 and 64 versions of WoW, with the error reflecting the version. Thanks for your continued thoughts and support.
  21. So, update to this situation. I ran Launcher after setting realm back to US and logged into my player. Loaded fine, everything checked out. Now, set the realm back to the TC server, and ran the connection patcher....error "UNable to find pattern". Ugh..... now what? @Shauren after running patcher, the tc_bundle.txt still did not appear. Could that contain the missing "pattern"? See photo to come. Thanks for the advice! - JH
  22. OK I will update connection_patcher and test. If that fails, I will connect to retail and see if I can run that again. More to come......
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