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  1. Following you guys for a long time. I am web developer for 3-4 years and I can really recommend the github solution. We are using it at work too. If everything is up first, it will be pretty easy to update without any work and it is really stable. Feel free to contact me if you need any help regarding github. btw.: does anyone has the documents of the wiki for me to download? Really need it for our LAN at weekend.. :D
  2. So I am able to see it again this afternoon? Waited the whole weekend..
  3. Well thank you. but.. Does not work for me. On community.trinitycore.org I am logged in. But i cant log into my account from the wiki page.
  4. Same issue since this morning. Is there any downloadable WIKI or do you have the WIKI for windows as pdf or something? I would really aprecciate this.
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