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  1. Well, i had the same issue, in the config file of your soap, where soap username/ pass is you should put the credentials from an account created using the old command .account not the new one, first you need to turn on worldserver.exe, then create an account using this command .account create username password(old fashion way please pay attention), then .account set gmlevel username 3 -1.
  2. I got the same issue as Justydark did, and I couldn't fix it by generating them with the new tools extractor. Any options? Solved it!
  3. Ok, then I will use tools extractors again
  4. Hello guys, I got a weird error after the last trinity core commits from two days ago until now:D: Incorrect DataDir value in worldserver.conf or ALL required *.db2 files (203) not found by path: ./dbc/enUS/
  5. I am so sorry mate, it was an off topic question , I tried to make a spellwork to work several times but it still doesn't work though..
  6. I've tried to debug it and it points out to some System.AggregateException occurred in mscorlib.dll.
  7. @Ulduar what OS are you using mate? My spellwork as you may already know is not working for me
  8. Hello everyone, for the past 5 days I've been searching about opcodes how to understand/read/implement but with no success I am writing here to check if anyone is able to give me some ideas about them or where to start looking for them because google doesn't help me this time. Thank you!
  9. Hello trinity community, is there anyone who knows where to implement Apply Aura: Mod Total Health Regen or how?
  10. All the previous versions works for me except the Legion one
  11. @Ulduar I don't have any antivirus I just have windows protection which I turned it off. @Aokromes you are welcome to provide me some links do download it for legion version.
  12. Hello everyone, I've tried to build this https://github.com/TrinityCore/SpellWork but when I am trying to run it nothing happens, no logs, no errors. Can someone help me with this please?
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