Greetings Trinity Core community,
I've run into this strange issue while building new 6.x server. Could not prepare statements of the Hotfix database, see log for details.
I knew it was caused by missing updates so i tryed to apply them manualy from SQL/Updates/Hotfixes however while trying to run SQL files there was many errors such as tables dont exist or they are duplicate... So i enabled only hotfix db to be updated automaticly. Result >> Hotfixes database is up-to-date! Containing 0 new and 0 archived updates.
Could not prepare statements of the Hotfix database, see log for details
Log from Db errors In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 16, sql: "SELECT CreatureID, IconFileID, SummonSpellID, SourceText, Description, Flags, PetType, Source, ID FROM battle_pet_species ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'SourceText' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 21, sql: "SELECT ID, MaleText, FemaleText, EmoteID1, EmoteID2, EmoteID3, EmoteDelay1, EmoteDelay2, EmoteDelay3, UnkEmoteID, Language, Type, SoundID1, SoundID2, PlayerConditionID FROM broadcast_text ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'SoundID1' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 37, sql: "SELECT ID, ExtendedDisplayInfoID, CreatureModelScale, PlayerModelScale, TextureVariation1, TextureVariation2, TextureVariation3, PortraitTextureName, PortraitCreatureDisplayInfoID, CreatureGeosetData, StateSpellVisualKitID, InstanceOtherPlayerPetScale, ModelID, SoundID, NPCSoundID, ParticleColorID, ObjectEffectPackageID, AnimReplacementSetID, CreatureModelAlpha, SizeClass, BloodID, Flags, Gender, Unk700 FROM creature_display_info ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'InstanceOtherPlayerPetScale' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 69, sql: "SELECT ID, HordeGameObjectID, AllianceGameObjectID, NameAlliance, NameHorde, Description, Tooltip, IconFileDataID, CostCurrencyID, HordeTexPrefixKitID, AllianceTexPrefixKitID, AllianceActivationScenePackageID, HordeActivationScenePackageID, FollowerRequiredGarrAbilityID, FollowerGarrAbilityEffectID, CostMoney, Unknown, Type, Level, Flags, MaxShipments, GarrTypeID, BuildDuration, CostCurrencyAmount, BonusAmount FROM garr_building ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'GarrTypeID' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 72, sql: "SELECT NameMale, NameFemale, NameGenderless, ClassAtlasID, GarrFollItemSetID, `Limit`, Flags, ID FROM garr_class_spec ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Limit' in 'field list'
Full log as attachement.
Thank you for any support.