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Everything posted by Slegi

  1. >> Applying update "2016_07_19_00_auth.sql" 'D5498F2'... Applying of file 'C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/WOD/WoDPull/sql/updates/auth/6.x/2016_07_19_00_auth.sql' to database 'auth' failed! If you are an user pull the latest revision from the repository. If you are a developer fix your sql query. Could not update the Login database, see log for details.
  2. Greetings Trinity Core community, I've run into this strange issue while building new 6.x server. Could not prepare statements of the Hotfix database, see log for details. I knew it was caused by missing updates so i tryed to apply them manualy from SQL/Updates/Hotfixes however while trying to run SQL files there was many errors such as tables dont exist or they are duplicate... So i enabled only hotfix db to be updated automaticly. Result >> Hotfixes database is up-to-date! Containing 0 new and 0 archived updates. Could not prepare statements of the Hotfix database, see log for details Log from Db errors In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 16, sql: "SELECT CreatureID, IconFileID, SummonSpellID, SourceText, Description, Flags, PetType, Source, ID FROM battle_pet_species ORDER BY ID DESC" Unknown column 'SourceText' in 'field list' In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 21, sql: "SELECT ID, MaleText, FemaleText, EmoteID1, EmoteID2, EmoteID3, EmoteDelay1, EmoteDelay2, EmoteDelay3, UnkEmoteID, Language, Type, SoundID1, SoundID2, PlayerConditionID FROM broadcast_text ORDER BY ID DESC" Unknown column 'SoundID1' in 'field list' In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 37, sql: "SELECT ID, ExtendedDisplayInfoID, CreatureModelScale, PlayerModelScale, TextureVariation1, TextureVariation2, TextureVariation3, PortraitTextureName, PortraitCreatureDisplayInfoID, CreatureGeosetData, StateSpellVisualKitID, InstanceOtherPlayerPetScale, ModelID, SoundID, NPCSoundID, ParticleColorID, ObjectEffectPackageID, AnimReplacementSetID, CreatureModelAlpha, SizeClass, BloodID, Flags, Gender, Unk700 FROM creature_display_info ORDER BY ID DESC" Unknown column 'InstanceOtherPlayerPetScale' in 'field list' In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 69, sql: "SELECT ID, HordeGameObjectID, AllianceGameObjectID, NameAlliance, NameHorde, Description, Tooltip, IconFileDataID, CostCurrencyID, HordeTexPrefixKitID, AllianceTexPrefixKitID, AllianceActivationScenePackageID, HordeActivationScenePackageID, FollowerRequiredGarrAbilityID, FollowerGarrAbilityEffectID, CostMoney, Unknown, Type, Level, Flags, MaxShipments, GarrTypeID, BuildDuration, CostCurrencyAmount, BonusAmount FROM garr_building ORDER BY ID DESC" Unknown column 'GarrTypeID' in 'field list' In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 72, sql: "SELECT NameMale, NameFemale, NameGenderless, ClassAtlasID, GarrFollItemSetID, `Limit`, Flags, ID FROM garr_class_spec ORDER BY ID DESC" Unknown column 'Limit' in 'field list' Full log as attachement. Thank you for any support. DBErrors.log
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