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Posts posted by LewisPotato

  1. Hi,

    How many realms would the authserver handle roughly? I added about 263 realms based off of this (obviously not going to run 263 realms, it is just for the more blizz-like feel) and whenever I launch the authserver all of the realms register but the authserver will crash if you login to view the realmlist, sometimes if you are lucky it will work but 95% of the time the authserver will crash.

    The error in the DUMP file was: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.

  2. 3 hours ago, LewisPotato said:

    22>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'SSL_EAY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND.lib'
    22>Done building project "worldserver.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
    23>------ Build started: Project: ALL_BUILD, Configuration: RelWithDebInfo x64 ------
    23>Building Custom Rule C:/TrinityCore/Source/CMakeLists.txt
    23>CMake does not need to re-run because C:/TrinityCore/Binaries/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    24>------ Skipped Build: Project: INSTALL, Configuration: RelWithDebInfo x64 ------
    24>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
    ========== Build: 16 succeeded, 6 failed, 0 up-to-date, 2 skipped ==========

    That's the error I'm getting.

    My issue has been fixed. Thank you!

  3. 22>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'SSL_EAY_RELEASE-NOTFOUND.lib'
    22>Done building project "worldserver.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
    23>------ Build started: Project: ALL_BUILD, Configuration: RelWithDebInfo x64 ------
    23>Building Custom Rule C:/TrinityCore/Source/CMakeLists.txt
    23>CMake does not need to re-run because C:/TrinityCore/Binaries/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date.
    24>------ Skipped Build: Project: INSTALL, Configuration: RelWithDebInfo x64 ------
    24>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
    ========== Build: 16 succeeded, 6 failed, 0 up-to-date, 2 skipped ==========

    That's the error I'm getting.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Rochet2 said:

    Inhabittype was changed/dropped.
    So your core is probably too old to match the new DB I think.

    Make sure you compile the core again with the latest changes so it matches the updated DB.

    Oh about that actually, I'm getting a strange error when compling the core, I can't remember exactly what it is but it is saying some lib is missing and it's compling everything else but the authserver and worldserver.

  5. Hi,

    I deleted the world database from my MYSQL server and imported the latest 3.3.5a world database release and it started up, updated everything then it closes with:

     In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 55, sql: "SELECT entry, difficulty_entry_1, difficulty_entry_2, difficulty_entry_3, KillCredit1, KillCredit2, modelid1, modelid2, modelid3, modelid4, name, subname, IconName, gossip_menu_id, minlevel, maxlevel, exp, faction, npcflag, speed_walk, speed_run, scale, rank, dmgschool, BaseAttackTime, RangeAttackTime, BaseVariance, RangeVariance, unit_class, unit_flags, unit_flags2, dynamicflags, family, trainer_type, trainer_spell, trainer_class, trainer_race, type, type_flags, lootid, pickpocketloot, skinloot, resistance1, resistance2, resistance3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, spell1, spell2, spell3, spell4, spell5, spell6, spell7, spell8, PetSpellDataId, VehicleId, mingold, maxgold, AIName, MovementType, InhabitType, HoverHeight, HealthModifier, ManaModifier, ArmorModifier, DamageModifier, ExperienceModifier, RacialLeader, movementId, RegenHealth, mechanic_immune_mask, spell_school_immune_mask, flags_extra, ScriptName FROM creature_template WHERE entry = ?"
    Unknown column 'InhabitType' in 'field list'

    I know this is an issue with the updates, because if I import the database from the releases website and not update it with the updates it works, a corrupt update possibly?

  6. 4 hours ago, skipperheartbeat said:

    Have you tried clearing the cache and deleting the content of the WTF folder.

    Yeah, I have tried all sorts of different clients I could find on the internet, I even installed the client onto my laptop and tried to login and it crashed just like they do on my normal PC, it's gotta be something wrong with the server itself then if it is happening on other devices.

    I just checked the GlueXML log and I found this in it when the client loads: 3/15 16:23:06.702  Error loading Interface\GlueXML\StarterEditionPopUp.lua

    Does that have anything to do with it?

  7. Here is my client crash log, this is the latest one...

    What happens:

    1.) When I go to login with my username (not email) and password it will do it's authenticating and say connected, then it freezes on connected and a popup says the game has crashed and then prints out the error log.

    2.) I have tried a 100% full client and the same happens repeatedly.

    3.) I've reinstalled TrinityCore 4.3.4 and even redownloaded clients and the issue still persists.

    I have also included a screenshot of the error popup, please check it out.

    2018-03-14 17.21.06 Crash.txt


  8. It works completely fine on other servers such a mortalwow... I just don't get why it's not working...


    If you have one that seems to work for you, mind clearing the data folder and posting it here, not pm cause it might help others with this issue.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Aokromes said:

    the bnet thing was experimental, i am not sure if it was finished, and to create accounts you must use account command.

    Okay, and another annoying this.. Any 4.3.4 client I download (download as you play) always crashes when I get to the character screen. It's going on about the patch not being able to download.

    I hope Blizzard haven't just taken the patch server offline for 4.3.4 clients. :/

    2018-03-12 18.43.58 Crash.txt

  10. Hi,

    I setup everything okay, authentication server & world server starts up fine, however when I start the battle.net server it opens with a blank black window and it doesn't create it's log file, so it is pretty much doing nothing, and when I attempt to login in game the battle.net server then stops responding and it's printed out errors in some logs, I'll post about 2 of them because each is slightly different.





  11. Hi,

    I reinstalled Windows 10 and reinstalled the software for compiling TrinityCore and I'm now getting this error when I attempt to configure the source in CMake:

    CMake Error at cmake/macros/FindBoost.cmake:1231 (message):
    Unable to find the requested Boost libraries.

    Boost version: 1.63.0

    Boost include path: C:/local/boost_1_63_0

    Could not find the following static Boost libraries:


    No Boost libraries were found. You may need to set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR to the
    directory containing Boost libraries or BOOST_ROOT to the location of
    Boost. If you still have problems search on forum for TCE00020.
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
    dep/boost/CMakeLists.txt:44 (find_package)

    Performing Test boost_filesystem_copy_links_without_NO_SCOPED_ENUM

    Performing Test boost_filesystem_copy_links_without_NO_SCOPED_ENUM - Failed

    Looking for open

    Looking for open - found

    CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.11/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:137 (message):
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
    C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.11/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:378 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)
    cmake/macros/FindOpenSSL.cmake:179 (find_package_handle_standard_args)
    dep/openssl/CMakeLists.txt:16 (find_package)


    I have set the roots for BOOST_ROOT in system variables, USER and SYSTEM but that hasn't worked. I'm using Boost (1_63_0) and OpenSSL-Win64 1.0.2n

  12. On ‎02‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 10:04 PM, Aokromes said:

    Not everywhere, try only draenei and blood elf start zones, if instant server also outland (map 530)

    Back again, It downloaded all content 100%, attempted again and it has done the same thing... Starting to think it's something wrong with the map extractors.

    I also tried to recompile everything.

  13. 12 hours ago, Aokromes said:

    Then it's obviously a client issue, search one really complete 4.3.4 client OR connect to a wow 4.3.4 server create one draenei and blood elf characters and run around to see if that fixes your issue.

    I've tried all the enGB clients I can find and doing the other way would just take days to download everything..

  14. Hey!

    I finally learnt how to compile TrinityCore for 3.3.5a!

    I've now compiled TrinityCore 4.3.4 and it was successful, however when I extract the maps from a 4.3.4 enGB (full) client it extracts but when I load the maps on the server I get this error: 

    Using DataDir ./
    WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
    VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
    VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
    Map file './maps/5301243.map' does not exist!
    Please place MAP-files (*.map) in the appropriate directory (./maps/), or correct the DataDir setting in your worldserver.conf file.
    Unable to load critical files - server shutting down !!!

    I have downloaded multiple full 4.3.4 enGB clients but with no luck I get the same error... Am I doing something wrong? Also I don't want to use enUS so I will only try enGB if that's okay.

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