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Posts posted by LewisPotato

  1. On 08/11/2017 at 3:35 AM, codeman8214 said:

    Actually you can find torrent ones by going to google.com and searching for 3.3.5a and one good source is piratebay if when searching just also add that one if you need to find a good source and there are other good sites out there. if you still have problems finding one let me know I will give you a link but google is your friend :) 

    Can't access pirate bay, ISP blocked it.

    Also i did "Google" you didn't think I would of tried that?

    It's fine though I have one now.

  2. Hi,

    Was just wondering if there are any official Blizzard installers or torrents for any 3.x.x version for WOTLK.

    I tried InstallWoW.exe (used to work) but blizzard took the servers offline for it.

    I also tried to extract a torrent from the Background Downloader but the tracker for  it is offline.. :(

    Any you have will do, working or not, I'll try and get them working.




  3. Hey,

    Recently compiled a 3.3.5a server and I want to do the headless horseman instance but I can't join it through the instance finder seeing that I'm the only one on, is there a way to join it solo?

    I'm really sorry if this is the wrong section to ask this..



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