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Posts posted by triturus

  1. Keyled:

    On 28.07.2016 at 11:52 PM, Aokromes said:

    we don't share client files.

    Yeah, this is little problematic. May somebody linked in PM non-broken and full official 7.0.3 client for extracts? Find and download three torrents with 7.0.3 (22423), 7.0.3 (22594) and one of them is 7.0.3 (undefined) was downloded, but it was broken and not repaired from battle.net (launcher), launcher analyze and forcibly auto-update this to last revision of client 7.1.0 (23222). It's sad for me, because I have slow internet.

  2. Thank you very much, AokromesMay I ask you a few question?

    Then, how to determine which version of the client need for the last revision of trinity? I have downloaded two version of client: 7.1.0 (22908) and 7.1.0 (23222), running the mapextractor in this wow clients binary location, but extractor send message "No locales detected".

    Interesting that in releases community give only one legion`s TDB 703.00 (not TDB 710.00) at this moment, does this mean that master branch need is 7.0.3 (22594) version of the client now to use of extractors from last revision

  3. On 09.09.2016 at 8:59 PM, brokentechnology said:


    I am an idiot. You need to run the following:


    - Works perfect! Issue resolved for me. 

    I am having a trouble extracting the contents on OS X. It seems to be default to a directory I did not define:

    error opening casc storage '/Users/Steven/Data' locale enUS: FILE_NOT_FOUND

    error opening casc storage '/Users/Steven/Data' locale koKR: FILE_NOT_FOUND

    error opening casc storage '/Users/Steven/Data' locale frFR: FILE_NOT_FOUND

    error opening casc storage '/Users/Steven/Data' locale deDE: FILE_NOT_FOUND

    error opening casc storage '/Users/Steven/Data' locale zhCN: FILE_NOT_FOUND

    error opening casc storage '/Users/Steven/Data' locale zhTW: FILE_NOT_FOUND

    error opening casc storage '/Users/Steven/Data' locale esES: FILE_NOT_FOUND

    error opening casc storage '/Users/Steven/Data' locale esMX: FILE_NOT_FOUND

    error opening casc storage '/Users/Steven/Data' locale ruRU: FILE_NOT_FOUND

    error opening casc storage '/Users/Steven/Data' locale ptBR: FILE_NOT_FOUND

    error opening casc storage '/Users/Steven/Data' locale itIT: FILE_NOT_FOUND


    However, I am indeed running it from the .app directory: 



    Stevens-MacBook-Pro:World of Warcraft Steven$ open /Applications/World\ of\ Warcraft/mapextractor 

    Stevens-MacBook-Pro:World of Warcraft Steven$ ls -l

    total 16936

    drwxrwxr-x  4 Steven  admin      136 Sep  9 13:55 Cache

    drwxrwxrwx  6 Steven  admin      204 Sep  9 12:49 Data

    drwxrwxr-x  3 Steven  admin      102 Sep  9 13:56 Interface

    -rwxrwxrwx  1 Steven  admin        4 Sep  9 01:56 Launcher.db

    drwxrwxr-x  9 Steven  admin      306 Sep  9 13:56 Logs

    drwxrwxr-x  4 Steven  admin      136 Sep  9 13:56 WTF

    -rwxrwxrwx  1 Steven  admin       32 Sep  9 13:55 WoW.mfil

    drwxrwxrwx  3 Steven  admin      102 Sep  8 22:48 World of Warcraft Launcher.app

    drwxrwxrwx  3 Steven  admin      102 Sep  8 22:48 World of Warcraft.app

    -rwxr-xr-x  1 Steven  staff   765488 Sep  9 02:26 mapextractor

    -rwxr-xr-x  1 Steven  staff  4698900 Sep  9 02:26 mmaps_generator

    -rwxr-xr-x  1 Steven  staff  2438468 Sep  9 02:26 vmap4assembler

    -rwxr-xr-x  1 Steven  staff   750756 Sep  9 02:26 vmap4extractor

    Not sure why it wants to look under my name and /Data. I guess I could copy it there if it really wants it there. 

    Hello, brokentechnology

    Did you solve this issue? Can you help me with it? 

    Client 7.1.0 (??????), then use mapextractor on it system reports this:



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