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Posts posted by Rochet2

  1. instead of refresh (whatever that does ,, maybe it doesnt do any git commands that change history etc, just refreshes the GUI view), fetch or pull. Fetch gets latest history so you can see the commits (but dont actually have them in your current source) and pull would do fetch and merge (and merging means you would get the stuff(the commits) to your current local repo)

    I myself dont use any GUI so no idea how git extensions works for example. Im sure many have used or know how the CLI works however so maybe use that instead and then use GUI?
    Easier to sort these things out in the CLI than in some random GUI - there is just one CLI.

  2. You could set up a command script and then use the dynamic hotswap.
    This way you would only need to rebuild the scripts (or a part of them?) to test something small with your command script.

    Otherwise Im not sure you can speed up the compilation process or avoid it if you want to edit the core.
    Editing scripts can probably benefit from the hotswap system, but otherwise I can only think of using better hardware or trying to optimize the code for build time.


    • Upvote 2
  3. The server gives an error when you start it up? What is the exact error message?
    From what I know you do not need mysql on the compiling computer as long as you have the libs.

    How did you install your mysql?
    Have you tried in cmake when you compile to set the path of your mysql exe on the other computer?
    Tick the advanced box and you can find the MYSQL_EXECUTABLE variable and give it a path like C:/Program Files (x86)/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.6/bin/mysql.exe
    or similar where ever the mysql exe is on your second computer.

  4. Works fine for me.
    These are the settings I used:

    Logger.root=5,Console Server Customsd
    Logger.server=3,Console Server Customsd
    Logger.commands.gm=3,Console GM Customsd
    Logger.scripts.hotswap=3,Console Server Customsd
    Logger.sql.sql=5,Console DBErrors Customsd
    Logger.sql.updates=3,Console Server Customsd
    Logger.mmaps=3,Server Customsd


    After starting up I see this in DB:

  5. Take a look at this: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/a56a402190c885e51038df55654875cc9e875c03/src/server/scripts/Northrend/Ulduar/Ulduar/boss_auriaya.cpp#L491-L515

    and here are some variants of the same functionality that allow more different kinds of checks on targets:

    ps. Im not sure if these are what you are looking for, but they looked like it.

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