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Posts posted by Rochet2

  1. Did you read this?


    There is no base SQL for world DB.

    Download TDB, run the full SQL

    run the updates from source/sql/updates/world.

    And I have a hunch the characters and auth DB were possibly not installed correctly ..

    You only need to run the base SQL from source/sql/base/ for the auth and character DB.

    Dont run any updates to them.

  2. So they are permanently lost for members?
    I cant see them in solved nor is there an archive visible anywhere.


    And just a side note, the other thread(s) I was referring to were in custom code section.



    I think that is a pretty bad move. What about all the good data they have :(

  3. I have been noticing that the forum has lost some topics, and not only recently.

    When I go to my profile and see my posted topics, I cant see the old ones at all, nor do I find them by searching.

    There was also a thread in the help section I believe about single gossip items being displayed in gossip windows.

    The thread is now gone and all links to it are invalid.


    The error is saying I do not have permission to view the topic.. But I am logged in.

    It seems the topic is there, or some remnants of it at least, since when you go to this address it fills in the topic name to the url:



    Anyone else noted such?

    Is it a bug?

    Some feature deleting old threads?

    Mods hiding threads ?_?

  4. The config files are for example:


    You need to remove the .dist extension before you can use the config with your server.

    Then you should add the DB connection info:


    Basically you insert the same login info you did to heidisql.

    And also provide the database names, which should be correct already if you used the SQL file to create the databases and did not make your own or rename the base databases created by the SQL.

    Atm you can ignore all the complicated guidance since its your first time and you wont be going live likely, and hopefully..


    But anyways, the guide tells you that you should not use the main SQL account for the server to DB connections.

    The main SQL account has access to everything, which is why if someone finds an exploit etc, he may be able to modify permissions etc in DB.

    So you should, if the server shows on the net, create a new SQL user that has less permissions and set it to the configs.



    Try finding a text block in the config file that looks like:

    LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;auth"
    WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;world"
    CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;trinity;trinity;characters"
  5. Those are not exes. As you should clearly see from the program type.

    I suggest you set windows to show known file extensions.


    Btw .. what folder do you refer to with built map?

    The extractors should all be in binDebug or binRelease (depending on which you chose to compile as)

    as long as you chose to compile the tools in cmake like I instructed and (re) compiled your core.

  6. Hmm, what you do is you move the extractors, for example mapextractor.exe to your wow folder, where the wow.exe is and then start the extractor.

    Let it do it's job and after it is finished, you should have folders named maps and dbc in the same folder. Then move those to the server folder where trinitycore.exe is.


    The other extractors you should also move to the wow directory like the mapextractor. But instead of running them, you should create a bat, like you did before, with the instructed contents:

    md vmaps
    vmap4assembler.exe Buildings vmaps 

    And then run it. The bat should be saved to the wow installation directory where the extactors and wow.exe is.


    NOTE that it is said that you should run wow at least once before extracting anything.

    ~Said someone somewhere at some time. Very very trusted source :3

  7. Hey, thanks for answering but it still wont work :<


    This is what i see after i open Create_mysql in heidi: http://i41.tinypic.com/2d8gmpu.png


    or is it just me that is doing someting wrong :s

    You need to connect to your database..

    Make a new connection and insert your IP (if mysql is on the same computer, use or localhost) and the acc and pass.

    Should be pretty straight forward ..

    I believe it is also instructed so in program window ..

    Seems to me like you never even tried to make the DB in the first place, which would be a sad thing.


    You dont need to keep the source up to date when you just made it ..

    And you need the database to run the server, cant skip that.

  8. go to /sql/create in your source.

    open create_mysql.sql in heidi and run it.

    go to /sql/base in your source.

    (Dummy note, you select a DB by clicking on it on the left so it has a green check mark on it)

    open auth_database.sql and run it to auth DB

    open characters_database.sql and run it to characters DB

    Open heidi, select world database, close heidi.

    Go to http://www.trinitycore.org/f/files/ and download the latest TDB.

    Note that the latest is at the BOTTOM (this may change?) Be sure to look at the version numbers for what is latest.

    Open the zip you downloaded and run the TDB_full_xxxxxxxxxx.sql

    When attempting to run the file, its too large and you are prompted with a window to choose to load the file to the editor or run directly.

    Since we earlier chose world DB, it should be open by default, so we can choose run directly. The file will be run to world DB.

    go to /sql/updates/world in your source

    create a new bat file (a text file with .bat file extension) and write this into it:

    copy *.sql mrg.sql

    Run the bat (double click it)

    Run the newly created mrg.sql in the same folder to your world DB.

    If prompted for too large file again, just click to run directly since we still have world DB as default as mentioned above.

    Set up the configs and you are good to go .. I guess.

    Correct me if I am wrong. I wrote this from memory, but I think it went right.

  9. Change this on line 299 in GOMove:

    sLog->outErrorDb("Gameobject (Entry %u GoType: %u) have invalid displayId (%u), not spawned.", e, objectInfo->type, objectInfo->displayId);


    sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_SQL,"Gameobject (Entry %u GoType: %u) have invalid displayId (%u), not spawned.", e, objectInfo->type, objectInfo->displayId);

    This is caused by the script being scripted for an earlier version of trinity.

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