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  1. This is a noob question, but I'm on the Server Setup section of the Installation Guide, and I have downloaded and compiled the 3.3.5 core. What I'm wondering is which version of wow do I use for 3.3.5? I have downloaded the starter edition which is 7.2.5. Is this the correct version? If not, how do I obtain the correct one?
  2. I'm using Linux Mint (which is based on Ubuntu 16.04) and I'm having some build issues that seem to be related to a conflict between mariadb and mysql-server. If I install libmariadb-dev first then libmysqlclient-dev, libmysqlclient-dev overwrites libmysqlclient20 and I end up with this error during build: make[2]: *** No rule to make target '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmariadb.so', needed by 'src/server/database/libdatabase.so'. Stop. On the other hand if I install libmysqlclient-dev first then libmariadb-dev, libmariadb-dev overwrites libmysqlclient20 and I end up with this error: /home/trinity/TrinityCore/src/server/database/Database/MySQLConnection.cpp:506:14: error: ‘CR_INVALID_CONN_HANDLE’ was not declared in this scope So either it complains that it can't find libmariadb.so, or if I install libmariadb-dev, it can't resolve a mySQL error. In the requirements it only lists libmariadb-dev for debian 9.0, and only libmysqlclient-dev for ubuntu 16.04, but it complains about libmariadb.so. How do I resolve this conflict?
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