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Everything posted by Talbot

  1. Try setting the LoginREST.LocalAddress to the same IP as you have for LoginREST.ExternalAddress.
  2. In worldserver.conf, do you have: Updates.EnableDatabases = 7 Updates.AutoSetup = 1
  3. So you have 3 world servers running on the same image? Are you trying to use them all with the same auth server? Or seperate auth server and bnet server? Also - multiple databases?
  4. May seem a silly question, but did you properly configure your IP addresses in bnetserver.conf? Theres an External REST IP (for people commecting to you remotely) and an Internal REST IP (for people connecting locally). Are you using a router? Server and client on same machine? Did you open ports 1119, 8081, 8085, 8086?
  5. Looking at src\server\game\Entities\Player\Player.cpp - SendTimeSync() : if (m_timeSyncQueue.size() > 3) TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "Player::SendTimeSync: Did not receive CMSG_TIME_SYNC_RESP for over 30 seconds from '%s' (%s), possible cheater", GetName().c_str(), GetGUID().ToString().c_str()); My guess is something is pushing more onto the queue (calling Player::TimeSync()) faster than the function can create a packet and send it.
  6. Which version (3.3.5 or master)? Which quest? A specific one, or all of them? Posting log would help.
  7. As Lucian said - you need to use a custom launcher - the retail WoW.exe will not work properly. Arctium launcher works for me - but there are others out there. https://arctium.io/
  8. Same here. Looks like the character's starting stats (Intellect, Strength, etc.) are incorrect. On level up, i'm also "unlocking" spells I already have, and increasing my skill levels by 10 for skills that dont exists (Literally called "All Specializations" and another called "All Classes")
  9. What error do you get clientside? Disconnected? Realm not available?
  10. I get the same issue - its "playable" (with plenty of other issues) in this state, but basically there is a problem (indexing in the db maybe?) with some of the spell scripts. I imagine you either need to do the grunt work yourself, or wait for the fixes, but since its playable its not a high priority. Unless these fixes and updates exist already somewhere and I'm missing an important update step, but using the latest TDB 820 and TC master branch on GIT produce these results. I even tried pulling in funjokers 830_34220 hotfixes but that caused more issues than it fixed.
  11. Hey, new here too. I'm trying to set up an 8.3.0 server in order to identify and fix problem areas for the community. Did you let it finish the populating process? Usually take a bit for it to go thru all the sql files and execute the updates. Also double check to make sure its connected to the correct database. If you have multiple instances, it might be updating the wrong one. Finally, I think you can view DBErrors to see whats going on.
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