On my test server, I run a Cron Job that pulls source once a week, rebuilds the servers and restarts the servers.
You do not need root access for this. Simply open a shell and type crontab -e
Add the following to the cron tab
00 01 * * 0 /home/trinity/servers/legion/cron/update This will run at 1am every Sunday
Save and Exit depending on which editor you choose to use.
The Following update script is what I use which is placed in /home/trinity/server/cron
The files name is update and needs to be set as executable (chmod +x update)
cd /home/trinity/TrinityCore
git pull origin master (or 6x if you are not using the master branch)
cd build
make clean
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/trinity/server -DTOOLS=0 -DWITH_WARNINGS=1 -DCONF_DIR=/home/trinity/server/etc
make install
If you use a manage script to start and stop your servers, I recommend you run the stop command between make and make install
This is just a recommendation, so your server is never far from the current revision but as always, keep an eye on IRC and the Github Repositories.