I just discovered the loggings system, and after some test I saw that I can get log from gm by account ID, but is it possible to get chat log by account ID too? When I talk with my 2 acc separatly, the logs get in the same .log
(Also in a second time, is there a way to change the timestap format for DD-MM-YYYY_HH_MM_SS instead of YYYY-MM-DD_HH_MM_SS ?)
Rouge's poisons are dissapearing after a arena, but only the ones who are in the bag, how can I fix this problem? I'm not even sure of how to get to the arena code here, any help will be apreciated. I'm not sure what REV the server I'm playin in uses (Already ask'd just tmie to get the answer) but if we have to make a guess lets say its the latest. Can someone identify why this bug might happend?
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