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    • By PavelFreeman
      Hello, I want to compile Trinity, but I get this errors...

      Did everything according to the documentation (https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130077/Installation+Guide) for Windows 10.

      Visual Studio 2019.
    • By aicam
      Hello everyone,
      I searched through all threads that may help but I could not find any related answer. So I hope this question is not duplicate.
      I have developed simple options like custom commands for GM. These developments are straightforward so I could add my preferred command with less than four times compilation.
      On the other hand, I want to develop a custom arena join system which work with different structures including: GroupQueueInfo, PlayerQueueInfo (BattlegroundQueue.h). In addition, I need to use other functions like ObjectAccessor::FindPlayerByName. In this regard, I am working with many parts of the source so it is very natural to face many and many bugs and errors. If I want to develop in the way that each time I need to compile the source from scratch, it may takes decades for me to finish the development.
      Therefore, I was looking for a solution to minimize compilation as much as is possible. I created custom CMakeLists to include required files separately, however, it seems the source is compiled with custom options so it failed.
      I appreciate it if someone could guide me to develop a custom code with minimum compilation or at least options that help to recompile only changed file not all of the source. 
    • By Sandra Kaimraptor
      Dear Community,
      currently I am using screen to manage the daily restart of that server to prevent overloads. But screen is not a clean solution for that. I want to integrate the worldserver and authserver as services to my system. Unfortunately I do not know how I can write into the running daemon any command via Bash shell? sighup shutdown via killall is no option because I need to shutdown the server with 5 minutes delay and informing all players about the shutdown.
      Has anyone any idea how to resolve that issue?
      Kind Regards
      Sandra Kaimraptor
    • By blackmetalz
      Hi guys, I'm going to buy new hardware for reducing compile time in Trinity core. I have heard about Ryzen, it had more core and threads but haven't tested its performance. I just want to ask anyone have Ryzen CPU can share compile time?
    • By Atréalis
      When taking quests, NPC text is in French (witch is what I want) but when checking or completing, text become in English.
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