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Quest Log Storage Location


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I was migrating over from a CMaNGOS server to this and got a fun glitch occur with the quest log. It shows a full list of quests already completed. All I did for the migration was backup all databases and import fields that existed in the Trinity DB.

It all runs fine however it lists them to what appears to be in order of number. I likely moved something over without knowing and while I suppose its not an entirely big still just starting the both up I would end up either restarting the quests I cant see or do them without being able to track them.


Where would I find where Trinity tracks what quests are in the quest log?

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~/TrinityCore7/src$ grep -inr quest_tracker

server/game/Handlers/QuestHandler.cpp:458:  if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_QUEST_ENABLE_QUEST_TRACKER)) // check if Quest Tracker is enabled


There is a quest_tracker db, although I could not find it here: https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/Characters where it should be...
Be sure you have the config enabled.. https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/master/src/server/worldserver/worldserver.conf.dist#L997

But, that's where it is stored. no need for a "log file" better to track in a DB.

That what you are asking?



Iv'e only used it on my 3.3.5a servers. I just double checked that it works on the 7.x version.

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Ill check... Running 3.3.5a myself. I wasnt sure why it ported all quests into the quest log but those in progress but must be something different with the layout of how they handle the quest log.

Edit: I checked it and its completely blank after completing a couple on the server and abandoning the rest. So it must be somewhere else in the databases.

Maybe Ill search for a completed quest ID now that they are dealt with.

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Ok I figured it out. I had to pull all entries from character_queststatus_rewarded and delete matching entries in character_queststatus for that guid quest numbers.



Had this Line in characters.character_queststatus:

guid, quest, status, explored, timer, mobcount1, mobcount2, mobcount3, mobcount4, itemcount1, itemcount2, itemcount3, itemcount4, playercount

And in character_queststatus_rewarded: 

guid, quest, active

Once I removed these in rewarded from the queststatus they are out of the quest log.

I may have to do additional checks but it should be fine and I need to do more testing lol.

Thanks for the help.

Edited by TULOA
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