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Databses Installation - Guide is unclear


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I've been following the guide thus far, and the previous pages have been pretty good at telling the user exactly what to do. But now that I'm at the Databases Installation section, there are no longer any steps to follow, and just unspecific advice is given: https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130092/Databases+Installation

I've downloaded the SQL database and put it next to worldserver, and I've downloaded the MySQL commands file. But what exactly do I do from then on? The guide just says to create the databases and populate them, without explaining how to do that.

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2 hours ago, abelard said:

If you run auth/bnet and then run world, the first thing it will ask is do you want to install dbase.  It will then populate the dbase and updates included in the downloaded dbase.

Ooh. And what do I do if I want to change the databases, or reimport the originals?

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On 6/4/2019 at 1:20 PM, FiftyTifty said:

I've been following the guide thus far, and the previous pages have been pretty good at telling the user exactly what to do. But now that I'm at the Databases Installation section, there are no longer any steps to follow, and just unspecific advice is given: https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/tc/pages/2130092/Databases+Installation

I've downloaded the SQL database and put it next to worldserver, and I've downloaded the MySQL commands file. But what exactly do I do from then on? The guide just says to create the databases and populate them, without explaining how to do that.

what part of this is unclear?

Populating the MySQL Trinity databases

From the unpacked 7z folder copy the SQL files that start with "TDB_world_" and "TDB_hotfixes_" (master branch only) to the directory where your worldserver binary (worldserver on linux or mac, worldserver.exe on windows) is (DON'T RENAME THOSE FILES OR AUTOMATIC SETUP WILL FAIL). 

NOTICE: you don't need to import any databases, only the file creating users. If you have plans to import databases manually you need to disable autoupdater on config files.

If you have plans to change default mysql usernames and passwords make sure you have set valid database login information and the table names you want to use in the same config files (authserver/bnetserver/worldserver.conf) under "CONNECTIONS AND DIRECTORIES".

  • Notice that the databases are not created yet. The names you set in the config will be used for the created databases.

Start worldserver and press enter when it asks if you want to create databases.

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