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Aokromes last won the day on January 27 2023

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  1. descargate openssl 1.1.1s y recompila con esa version.
  2. if you don't have any custom thing i sugest you to drop world database, if you have custom things i recomend you to pull to tdb 335.19031, then 335.19041.... there are to much commits betweeen your db and head.
  3. since today master branch needs VS 2022 / GCC 10 / clang 11.
  4. --- Canned message start --- Trinity does not support repacks. Please learn to compile and configure the source yourself, you will learn more and may even find that the error doesnt exist in vanilla TC. Please refer to the author of the repack for your questions if you continue to use said repack. --- Canned message end ---
  5. you need 9.2.7 client, for sure you have 10.x client.
  6. be sure your boost version matches your visual studio version.
  7. we recommend to avoid centos to run trinitycore, because they give a lot of issues.
  8. ofc you cannot use windows to extract with linux files
  9. in case someone wonders what means "over cataclysm" only wow 4.3.4 spawns are completed. there are few spawns on mop and higher expansions but not completed at all.
  10. be sure you use at least openssl 1.1 if it still fails get 3.0
  11. trinitycore never had 5.4.8, the rest of versions aren't supported nor updated. the cataclysm preservation proyect maintains 4.3.4 branch but ain't supported by this forum.
  12. --- Canned message start --- It appears the issue in the original post was solved, so this thread shall be closed. Should you encounter any other difficulties, please open a new thread. --- Canned message end ---
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