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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/16 in all areas

  1. Glad you steered away from repacks... Unfortunately, the only way to do this is by using scripts. Obviously, you can't just dump tables from DB to another that are completely architected with the differences. The more differences between the table structures, the more work you have to do to manually import each character. Tips: do a "desc <TC character table name>;" in mysql client. then do the same to the repack table. "desc <my repack table>;" You will have to do that to each table in the characters schema, then modify the differences in your dump (unsafe route). Otherwise, like I said, just a script for each table, import one row of character to all tables that match or have similarities. Then log into that specific character and test it out. if things are broken, or some data is missing, then it was an invalid entry. Try and try again, until the one character looks to be working correctly with all the necessary items. Then you can import all of your other characters. Good luck!
    1 point
  2. How can I open it? I tried dbcviewer but it has only old build column names, so it's not working anymore. As I can understand you can manually add column name and types. It says "7 out of 8 columns" on "build 13205" option, and even less with others. I tried to add column, but looks like it needs proper name and type, that I don't know where to get. Any help with this?
    1 point
  3. Hello, I'm a begginner, so sorry if it's a stupid question. I sniffed whole demon hunter area, but seems like npcs lost their "questgiver" flag or something. They accept completed quests, that I add through .quest add command, but not givin any. How can I fix this? What should I start looking for? Tried to change "flags" column for value "3" but seems like it's not working. Any suggestions?
    1 point
  4. Nvm, got nesessary info through parsehub. More steps to get desired sql strings, but still much easier than typing it manually lol.
    1 point
  5. Figured out how to open MapDifficulty.db2 through DBC Veiwer, but swill dont know how to edit it. Proper header types are: 0 - string 1-6 - int. Please let me know if you managed to edit db2 files.
    1 point
  6. Figured it out myself. You should add npc and quest to world.creature_queststarter database, same way for ending quest with world,creature_questender. Anyone have wowhead data parser? I found one, html+php written, but it seems no longer works. Can anyone help me to fix it? https://github.com/Helias/WoWHead-Quest-Parser heres the link on it.
    1 point
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