As outlined in #20103, we're currently making a concerted push for blizzlike instance spawn behavior. As part of this, every instance in the 3.3.5 client needs to have all of its spawns mapped to the corresponding instance boss that causes that group to no longer spawn once defeated.
Luckily, we have a tool to help with this. Extract the attached archive into your Interface/AddOns directory, then log onto a 3.3.5 core running commit fcd6fe0 (or newer). Move yourself into the instance you want to map, then invoke /spawngroup to bring up the mapper panel.
Use the green plus icon to create one spawn group for each boss in the instance. If there are groups with complex conditions, like "only spawns if any of X, Y and Z are alive", create a separate group for each of them.
Scroll down (shift+mouse wheel to scroll faster) and name each of the newly created groups (right-click the respective header). Names should be representative, but have only descriptive value (no need to match the boss name exactly, for example).
Start assigning groups to entries and spawns in the "Unassigned" category. Pay attention to detail - not all creatures of the same entry are necessarily assigned to a specific boss.
Click on an entry to expand it into a list of its spawn points. Each spawn point can be individually assigned to a group.
Click on a spawn point to teleport to it. You can combine this with having the world map open to quickly map disjoint spawn points.
Once you are done, click on "Export SQL" to generate a complete instance spawn group script for the instance, then post it here.
Because mistakes happen, I'd like at least two, preferably three, copies of each data set, from different people. To find out which instances still need data, take a look at this issue on the tracker - contributions may be posted either there or in this thread.
(PS: Feel free to take breaks. The mapper stores any mappings you've already made and will reload them when you bring the panel up again, including across sessions [assuming you log out normally - don't force kill the client.]) (PPS: Invoke /spawngroup while outside an instance at your own peril - it's probably gonna freeze your client for a bit. Lots of spawns there.)