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strucker last won the day on June 13 2014

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  1. I wonder if they would release 6.3.x? I am not surprised of this fast announcement for new expansion
  2. Welcome guys. Wish you long and prosperous committing
  3. Hope this doesn't vioalte forum rules. If you find it to complicated to get your client this way, PM me and I will let you on a little secret how to do it more mindlessly
  4. Yeah well... I have tried some of those competitive servers. And I gotta say, I am rather disappointed.
  5. It was just coz creature_transport shouldve been dropped, but actually it was still there after Shaurens db work. It's fixed on https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/59fd2520fc3fd87a05857ba6a10bbfd0b10c36f1 as someone mentioned. MrSmite, I doubt "ascent" as password proves anything, really. I had same problem yday with fresh world db importing, and solved it by purging "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `creature_transport`;".
  6. This one has 22gb. It seams that number of peers is low... Average dl rate is 47.3.kB/s in 2h dl time having 340 MB data. Still, give it a try, coz at some times it gives me max DL speed (400kB/s mine), like right now.
  7. Meh... You are gonna make me redownload the client to confirm that. OK, Ill get to it for the sake of the community
  8. Idk what torrent are you reffering to, but the one I used, and now checked again, occupies my full bw, tho from time to time it drops... Should be done in a day or two max, beats reading endless manual guides if you ask me.
  9. Btw. there was perfectly full and working cata 4.3.4 torrent from old Mangos. Since there is no Mangos no more, I guess google is your friend.
  10. This can't be whole client. All under 20~22 GBs is not full client... I guess you can use google to track it down, there are torrents out there containing all data+patched wow.exe.
  11. Who removed search button from forum? Its outrageous!
  12. Damn it. Anyways, even better, guide is good and much faster to do than to use seedless torrents. Thanks again.
  13. Yes, well, from links you provided, 13287 to 13329, and 13329 to 13596 archives do not have win-final mpqs. Doubt they are in some other archives so Ive just dled them from some random place.
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