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Kinzcool last won the day on October 16 2014

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  1. I personally see something wrong with it. When I first heard of TC going to be on Bountysource I was fearing that we could go down that way, which is exactly not the core of TC. This could just make a negative side appearing, such as people like "why am I not paid for X, then I'll just sit on my ass not doing anything". I mean, I think that no money involved is the best part of TC.
  2. "In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 3, sql: "SELECT entry, groupid, id, text, type, language, probability, emote, duration, sound, BroadcastTextID FROM creature_text" Unknown column 'BroadcastTextID' in 'field list'" You didn't apply all the updates synced with your core version.
  3. Small Github search, ~12 seconds later https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/blob/e4c57d839d83a7e735d4b651827e2dca1ddc68cd/sql/old/3.3.5a/TDB52_to_TDB53_updates/world/2013_12_28_00_world_creature_classlevelstats.sql
  4. Do not apply core updates, only 4.3.4 DB files. If you don't know how to do it, then 4.3.4 is not for you, (its for devs not for public server). Just use last core of last sync (Rev b9b57c2d62).
  5. If you have a 4.3.4 core, you need to use exclusivly this DB https://github.com/downloads/TrinityCore/TrinityCore_4.3.4_DB_Alpha/TDB_full_434.02_2012_08_15.rar + All updates from "updates_02". When you use the "merge_updates_windows.bat" it create a file named "world_updates.sql". You should apply this file only 1 time, and apply the new sqls one by one after or you will have problems like duplicate column, things like this.
  6. The tools work, but only if you have a full client.
  7. Nay said to me on IRC, it's only for Dev now... EDIT: I did not see your link..
  8. Today when I have sniff data i discovered what is the ''1'' of ''`text0_1`, `text1_1`, `text2_1`'' in `npc_text`. When the gender of the npc is a girl, but i can't update the wiki. Proof (Text are 8838) `text0_0` npc -> boy Je suis très occupé pour le moment, jeune $c. Je vous prie de m''excuser. [/sql] `text0_1` npc -> girl [sql] Je suis très occupée pour le moment, jeune $c. Je vous prie de m''excuser.
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