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  1. Damn Nay you caught me!.. I did indeed change it! Seeing this is just a interesting project, I have maxed out a lot of settings. I had changed the value to give honor points after duel, so that must not be able to be changed then? So in fact that value I changed caused the crash? Interesting.. Had I not changed it from something other than "0" that crash would not have happened? If so, I will be more careful on the values change in the future. Thanks Nay for the correction.
  2. Thank you Nay!! Your fix worked just as advertised and I did see the HonorPointsAfterDuel is disabled, using Zero. I hope in the future commits someone can get HonorPointsAfterDuel fixed. If someone would please close this thread. Hi Lorac, I just wanted to address your question as it seems some do not. I actually have two different dbc, maps, vmaps and mmaps, one is 6.2.3 and 6.2.4. I have also tried disabling vmaps, and mmaps to see if they are corrupted. And the same crash happened. When I looked at the Crash log that is when I saw that the error was not caused by corruption. Also I should point out, before I posted this thread I searched the forums, then waited three days and then re-searched the forum. Then I posted the error in a thread here. I thought someone else may catch the problem before me. Oh also another interesting small fact is I have two machines that are setup with exactly the same software on it (one machine is just not as powerful as the other) I use, one for Development and testing, the other is my games server. So when I get duplicate error on both, I figure something is up.. lol The Devs are great on this project! Thanks everyone that helped!! Todd
  3. No it is not about my database. Those errors happen when you start the worldserver the first time. The worldserver created the four databases needed and updated them. According to the crash log, it looks like something to do with Boost but I am not sure.. But thanks Hadifaren for the suggestion. Todd
  4. After updating my core and compiling, when I start worldserver it crashes. Machine info: Windows 10 Pro 646bit i5-2500 12.0 GB Ram Windows Requirements meet: Boost 1.59, MySQL 5.6.29, OpenSSL v1.0.2g, ZeroMQ-4.0.4~miru1.0-x64, CMAKE-3.5.1 and Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 This was a completely clean install. After I had the crash the first time. I completely deleted my core dir, build dir, and I also delete the databases to avoid any corruption issues. And pulled the latest commit for Trinity 6.x and compiled with no errors. Commit version of Trinity 6.x is: b612eccbe7bac075a5321c7909690d4622796bc9 Database used: TDB_full_6.03_2015_11_08 Server.log PasteBin: http://pastebin.com/C83upEdJ DBErrors.log Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/gAnYmdUQ WorldServer Crash log PasteBin: http://pastebin.com/FKBxvs2t If someone has a suggestions? Thanks, Todd
  5. Thank you Aokromes, thought I had messed things up.. lol.. Your Installation Guide is great and easy to follow.. Even for someone like me with three thumbs..
  6. A lot of Database errors when starting worldserver first time.. Platform: Windows 10 Mysql server version 5.6.29 Database Branch: TDB_full_6.03_2015_11_08 Core Version: TrinityCore rev. 50c8efecc5d3 2016-03-13 00:12:42 +0100 (6.x branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon) Pastebin of Server.log: http://pastebin.com/eBBhz8pT The DBErrors.log is a mile long and I think is just about everything has errors.. I followed the Installation Guide. Did the Windows requirements and complied the core with no errors. Installed the database per Installation instructions. Extracted DBC, Maps, VMaps & Mmaps no errors. I looked over most of the help posts about database problems and searched for any post that show about database problems.. No success.. I have dumped the database and re-accomplished the database install. I increased the MAX_ALLOWED_PACKETS on the mysql server. No success.. If someone could point out where I went wrong here so I can correct it. please. Thank you in advance for the help
  7. So at this point I have download a the wow client from battlenet, logged into the client, and checked for both updates and scan and repaired my wow client no errors found. I used the mapextractor in the original wow client directory.. I did -reread this these two items https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/Windows+Server+Setup and https://community.trinitycore.org/topic/1518-trouble-with-your-trinity-install-readme-1st-faqs/#comment-47677 to make sure I did not miss anything. I still have the missing files error http://pastebin.com/sx13pBqV The extractor is opening the casc storage I can see that as the mapextractor is working, it is just missing those files. Anyone have any thoughts? Anyone extracted the files in the last few days that it worked? Anyone have any suggestions?
  8. Yes I did.. I actually have a active wow account and have logged in to wow.. I did one thing odd.. I copied my whole wow folder from where it is installed on c: drive to another drive for use with the Trinity server.. Perhaps, something happened there.. I am going to try to extract from the original wow install folder on c: and see if that helps. I am not sure if it will make a difference or not (I am thinking it should not, but you never know). So if things go right I should not see that error correct? And that has to be resolved before I can continue.. And other suggestions?
  9. I have a file not found error when using the mapextractor. http://pastebin.com/sx13pBqV The Machine it is on is as follows: AMD Athlon 64 Dual Core 4200 2.20 ghz 4 gigs ram I compiled the core with VS 2013 no errors. I deleted/downloaded the WOW client twice on this machine and used the battlenet file checker also, no missing or corrupt files I have also have another machine that has better spec than this.. complied the core with VS 2013. Also deleted/downloaded the WOW client twice and used the battlenet file checker also, no missing or corrupt files And I get the same missing files error So my question is this, are those file not found files important and will this effect my Trinity Server? And before someone gives me the extractor issues link (yes this one: https://community.trinitycore.org/topic/1518-trouble-with-your-trinity-install-readme-1st-faqs/#comment-47677) I read it and followed it.. Any help would be appreciated.. Thank you, Todd
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