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Posts posted by Daniel25

  1. On 3/18/2022 at 8:07 AM, aicam said:

    How sure are you about this answer? You mean after decades of invention of C++, there is no solution to have a hot reload or at least inline compilation option???? I wish it is not true because my system is a little out of date so I should wait over 3 hours

    What Aokromes said is true.

    I will tell you any advices in case you didnt know it:

    - Dont use cmake if you only changed any lines in any files. Every time that you use cmake, compilation will take more time to compile.

    - Dont clear proyect in visual studio if you didnt add new files in the project or it will compile everything there.

    - You can disable tools (map extractors) of source in cmake so it wont compile with the project and it will be faster.


    • Like 1
  2. Well its ashamanecore based in trinitycore,bfa 34220. Log hasnt more data...

    With every quest in starting zones,for example: https://classic.wowhead.com/quest=8325/reclaiming-sunstrider-isle

    In trinity master it works good,I wasted a lot of hours trying to figure where is the issue and I would like to fix it...I think that it could be packets,or something related to entities/player.cpp.

    The quests are autoaccept,you get the quest and when you click the accept button to close the gossip so the game get stuck. You can move,writte in chat,open talents,but if you click the npc or others npcs they dont show the gossip menu,or vendor menu,etc.Since that you click accept quest worldserver console repeat message 4 or 5 times and then you get disconnected:

    Did not receive CMSG_TIME_SYNC_RESP for over 30 seconds from 'Nel' (Player-1-00000004), possible cheater

  3. Hello,I was wondering if someone has some idea about what could cause the issue.

    I get this in worldserver console when I accept a quest in starting zone (autoaccept quests),it happens in all starting zone,classes,races,but only with that quests:

    No defined handler for opcode [UNKNOWN OPCODE 0x3553 (13651)] sent by [Player: Nel Player-1-00000004, Account: 1]
    MoveSplineInitArgs::Validate: expression '_checkPathLengths()' failed for Creature-0-1-530-0-15274-0000000031 Entry: 15274
    Player::SendTimeSync: Did not receive CMSG_TIME_SYNC_RESP for over 30 seconds from 'Nel' (Player-1-00000004), possible cheater

    Then of 30 secs or so I get disconnected of the server.I haven't more logs or info about itt.

    If someone knows what could be...A lot of thx.


  4. On 25/2/2018 at 12:02 PM, Aokromes said:

    Don't manually import sql files, leave core to do the job.

    First time i only added manually base auth/characters and tdb_full hotfixes and world (I have done this several times before, I follow your job since long time ago and I have installed the most of your server versions and everything was ok always this way). Nevermind...

    I followed your instructions (dropped every db) and I allowed worldserver.exe to create dbs and update it...same log error... and I didnt import manually any sql file this time....


  5. Hello I have done a clear install core and db yesterday. I added the base auth/characters db, TDB_full_735.00_2018_02_19 (world and hotfixes). Auth and characters got autoupdated when i ran the worldserver.exe but I'm getting this error with hotfixes db (log):

    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 46, sql: "SELECT ID, Flags, ClientPrefix, ClientFileString, Name, NameFemale, NameMale, FacialHairCustomization1, FacialHairCustomization2, HairCustomization, CreateScreenFileDataID, SelectScreenFileDataID, MaleCustomizeOffset1, MaleCustomizeOffset2, MaleCustomizeOffset3, FemaleCustomizeOffset1, FemaleCustomizeOffset2, FemaleCustomizeOffset3, LowResScreenFileDataID, FactionID, MaleDisplayID, FemaleDisplayID, ResSicknessSpellID, SplashSoundID, CinematicSequenceID, BaseLanguage, CreatureType, TeamID, RaceRelated, UnalteredVisualRaceID, CharComponentTextureLayoutID, DefaultClassID, NeutralRaceID, ItemAppearanceFrameRaceID, CharComponentTexLayoutHiResID, HighResMaleDisplayID, HighResFemaleDisplayID, Unk1, Unk2, Unk3 FROM chr_races ORDER BY ID DESC"
    Unknown column 'NameMale' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 47, sql: "SELECT ID, Name_lang, NameFemale_lang, NameMale_lang FROM chr_races_locale WHERE locale = ?"
    Unknown column 'NameMale_lang' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 158, sql: "SELECT ID, Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5, Key6, Key7, Key8, Key9, Key10, Key11, Key12, Key13, Key14, Key15, Key16, Key17, Key18, Key19, Key20, Key21, Key22, Key23, Key24, Key25, Key26, Key27, Key28, Key29, Key30, Key31, Key32 FROM key_chain ORDER BY ID DESC"
    Table 'hotfixes.key_chain' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 210, sql: "SELECT ID, Name, Script, PrevScriptId, NextScriptId FROM scene_script ORDER BY ID DESC"
    Unknown column 'Name' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 214, sql: "SELECT ID, SpellID, RaceMask, SupercedesSpell, SkillLine, MinSkillLineRank, TrivialSkillLineRankHigh, TrivialSkillLineRankLow, UniqueBit, TradeSkillCategoryID, AcquireMethod, NumSkillUps, Unknown703, ClassMask FROM skill_line_ability ORDER BY ID DESC"
    Unknown column 'Unknown703' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 216, sql: "SELECT Name, VolumeFloat, MinDistance, DistanceCutoff, VolumeVariationPlus, VolumeVariationMinus, PitchVariationPlus, PitchVariationMinus, PitchAdjust, Flags, SoundEntriesAdvancedID, BusOverwriteID, SoundType, EAXDef, DialogType, Unk700, ID FROM sound_kit ORDER BY ID DESC"
    Unknown column 'Name' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 217, sql: "SELECT ID, Name_lang FROM sound_kit_locale WHERE locale = ?"
    Table 'hotfixes.sound_kit_locale' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 220, sql: "SELECT Name, NameSubtext, Description, AuraDescription, MiscID, ID, DescriptionVariablesID FROM spell ORDER BY ID DESC"
    Unknown column 'MiscID' in 'field list'
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 233, sql: "SELECT ID, Coefficient, Variance, ResourceCoefficient, SpellEffectID FROM spell_effect_scaling ORDER BY ID DESC"
    Table 'hotfixes.spell_effect_scaling' doesn't exist
    In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 281, sql: "SELECT ID, Flags, TurnSpeed, PitchSpeed, PitchMin, PitchMax, MouseLookOffsetPitch, CameraFadeDistScalarMin, CameraFadeDistScalarMax, CameraPitchOffset, FacingLimitRight, FacingLimitLeft, MsslTrgtTurnLingering, MsslTrgtPitchLingering, MsslTrgtMouseLingering, MsslTrgtEndOpacity, MsslTrgtArcSpeed, MsslTrgtArcRepeat, MsslTrgtArcWidth, MsslTrgtImpactRadius1, MsslTrgtImpactRadius2, MsslTrgtArcTexture, MsslTrgtImpactTexture, MsslTrgtImpactModel1, MsslTrgtImpactModel2, CameraYawOffset, MsslTrgtImpactTexRadius, SeatID1, SeatID2, SeatID3, SeatID4, SeatID5, SeatID6, SeatID7, SeatID8, VehicleUIIndicatorID, PowerDisplayID1, PowerDisplayID2, PowerDisplayID3, FlagsB, UILocomotionType FROM vehicle ORDER BY ID DESC"
    Unknown column 'MsslTrgtTurnLingering' in 'field list'


    Dunno if I have missed any update or I did something wrong but I guess that its a issue with the last patch in folder old\7\hotfixes\01_2018_02_19 ,where patch  2018_02_18_00_hotfixes.sql drop "namemale" field and others need and maybe it happens with db world too with the same patch in world.

    Any idea? Thanks you.

    PS: If the issue is that patch, the TDB_full_735.00_2018_02_19 include that patch too so It would need to revert it too there.

  6. 2 hours ago, Keonys said:

    Double post for an other question, sorry for that,

    If I take hamachi while I have less than 5 friends comming on the server, but after that, if I have more than 5 friends and I want to take a little dedicated server, I'm going to have the same problem than i have now to put my server online ?

    Sorry for my english and thanks for your help ^^

    For modify host file you have to uncheck "read only" in the file propierties... If you dont modify the host file, server will be never online...

    I think that you can use hamachi for more than 5 people....

  7. 14 hours ago, nubqt said:

    Doesn't 33 (SMART_ACTION_CALL_KILLEDMONSTER) assume that the player has already killed the NPC? In this quest I'm working on, the Player doesn't actually need to kill an NPC; it's just that the quest objective is coded as an NPC.

    Just in case, the quest is Proving Pit and the `quest_objectives`.`ObjectID` is a Darkspear Jailor. But you don't have to kill it. When you click the gossip menu that objective should be marked as completed.

    Thanks for the help and sorry for the questions; I'm just trying to clear all the confusion I have.

    That is the script used for completing a objective when in quest_objectives table the type of objective is 0 (npc) or 2 (object) and you dont need to kill it really.

    When you can kill the npc you dont need the script because when you kill the npc the quest_objective will get completed withouth the script.

    The script complete the quest_objective when you click the option in the gossip_menu withouth you need to kill any npc.

  8. 7 hours ago, nubqt said:

    Could you please explain how to do something like that? I'm working on a different quest now where I have to give a kill credit after selecting a particular gossip. The objective is a coded as an NPC/creature rather than a spell.

    First option which Rat told you:

    INSERT INTO `smart_scripts`(`entryorguid`,`source_type`,`id`,`link`,`event_type`,`event_phase_mask`,`event_chance`,`event_flags`,`event_param1`,`event_param2`,`event_param3`,`event_param4`,`action_type`,`action_param1`,`action_param2`,
    `action_param3`,`action_param4`,`action_param5`,`action_param6`,`target_type`,`target_param1`,`target_param2`,`target_param3`,`target_x`,`target_y`,`target_z`,`target_o`,`comment`) VALUES
    (object_with_gossip,1,0,1,62,0,100,0,gossip_id,0,0,0,72,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 'object_with_gossip- On gossip option 0 select - Close gossip'),
    (object_with_gossip,1,1,0,62,0,100,0,gossip_id,0,0,0,33,object_killcredit_id,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'object_with_gossip- On gossip option 0 select - object_killcredit- quest');


    Blizzlike option:

    INSERT INTO `smart_scripts`(`entryorguid`,`source_type`,`id`,`link`,`event_type`,`event_phase_mask`,`event_chance`,`event_flags`,`event_param1`,`event_param2`,`event_param3`,`event_param4`,`action_type`,`action_param1`,`action_param2`,
    `action_param3`,`action_param4`,`action_param5`,`action_param6`,`target_type`,`target_param1`,`target_param2`,`target_param3`,`target_x`,`target_y`,`target_z`,`target_o`,`comment`) VALUES
    (object_with_gossip,1,0,1,62,0,100,0,gossip_id,0,0,0,72,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 'object_with_gossip- On gossip option 0 select - Close gossip'),
    (object_with_gossip,1,1,0,62,0,100,0,gossip_id,0,0,0,11, 79181 ,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'object_with_gossip- On gossip option 0 select - cast spell 79181- killcredit quest');

    In second one, the spell surely works but if it isnt, so you will have to fix it in the core I guess...

  9. On 19/10/2017 at 3:47 AM, Shalker96 said:

    Hi, I've been reading almost everything here done stuff that already you guys explained and I'm still stuck at Connected, cant log into the character list, I'm all doing it on localhost for me only, disabled firewall... and nothing still stuck at connected. Can anyone help me? I will provide everything screenshots etc.

    PD: I'm using the 3.3.5 branch.

    Maybe your issue is your client if you donwloaded it of a private server site. Did you patch your wow.exe?

    Change the realmlist in the config.wtf file (set realmlist "")  of your wow and check in propierties "only read".

    Be sure that your wow client version is the same than trinity core version soported.

  10. On 7/10/2017 at 10:12 PM, Chrisseria2520 said:

    I would like 2 hear what kind of versions u guys use of Cmake and Visual Studio

    In your screenshots I see that you are using english in your OS so I guess that you dont know spanish but just in case that you do it, a video-guide in spanish Installing software requerided

    I guess that you should to check the guide in the trinity wiki, you have everything that you need there,include the versions for every software need (HannibalRog gave you the link up).

  11. On 17/8/2017 at 1:22 PM, MDK said:

    Hi Daniel,

    I thought so, I'll do the cache clearing first. If that fails, then I'll do the truncate and import the original world sql file. The updates that are relevant are only those in the 7.x folder right?

    To clarify, I used the Dduarte database. That one is also available by Trinity TDB 720.00 which holds all data until 19-04-2017. I ran updates ontop of that one.

    If I start over I can truncate the world database but... what do I do next?

    Just turn on run updates when starting the worldserver?


    Yes, the correct database is which you used dduarte 720 TDB_full_720.00_2017_04_18.7z

    Truncate the world database, add the sql file tdb full 720 and turn on run updates automatly in the worldserver.config. Then run the worldserver.exe and everything should to be ok. Dont forget to delete the cache client folder before of starting the wowpatched..exe

  12. 1 hour ago, MDK said:

    Hi Daniel,

    Thanks for testing and helping out. I've applied those settings and restarted the trinitycore worldserver. However the Olemba cones are not clickable. I didn't clear the cache in the client. I'll try this tonight. If that fails then I'm thinking of rebuilding a new database. I've taken the database of dduarte v720 as a basis and then ran the updates. Is that also what you guys have done?


    Well i was going to tell you about clearing your cache too. If it doesnt work:

    You can truncate the world database, import the world sql file downloaded of trinity and then you run the worldserver.exe so updates get added automatly.And everything should to work good.

    Just wondering why you used a different database of trinity instead of trinity one...

  13. 4 hours ago, CDawg said:

    WDBXEditor was created by barncastle to be compatible with every revision ;).

    Personally, it is my favorite, especially when you need to dissect from different revisions with the project that I have been working on.

    A lot of thanks you, Im doing a video-tutorial for fixing quest 39384 and i need it for the areaexplore objective ^^.

    EDit::The compilation is giving error, i will have to wait for a fix, thx.

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